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Hello Skelefreinds!

Just a reminder that we'll be talking MetalSlug in the discord for the GameClub podcast today at 3pm PT. If you want to chat with Grace and Derek, head to the Podcast Chatroom in the discord!

However we know 3pm PT not the best time for everyone, like our international friends, so if you can't make it to the live chat, leave a comment below.

How's everyone feeling about MetalSlug? The best thing ever? The worst thing ever? Can't wait to talk about it! Talk to you soon!

-Uncle Derek


Bob Chesser

Metal Slug still very pretty. And fun. And tough. What yall think about how if you die, but continue, that you dont really progress. As in, any POWs rescued before then dont count? Playing the anthologies as a kid, I couldnt not die and was super bummed to find any of that progress didnt count.


I adore metal slug as a series but I always find they end too soon due to the nature of arcade games. For me the sequels are much more fun since the set pieces get crazier and crazier.

Casey Jones

K so we all know Metal Slug has amazing art & animation, but have any of y'all taken the time to really play with the destructible backgrounds? I've been reviewing my playthroughs in slow motion, and the sheer number of unique tiles and sprites in the game--many of which I have never noticed in all my years of playing these games--is truly astounding. We seriosuly miss so, SO much of the master-tier art when we play Metal Slug by just blasting everything blindly.

Dylan Sheaves

Honestly, brilliant game, great deal of fun, made the "mistake" of playing it via the charity arcade machine my uni has, it's brutally difficult though, cost me a good few dollars and I only made it through 3 levels but I suppose that is the nature of arcade games. Love the weirdly bouncy tank thing though.

Trent M. Kasmarcik

I have always loved the art of Metal Slug, although the sheer number of entries and the confusing numbering makes getting into it daunting. What are your recommendations for a good starting point?