From Mario to Banjo to Yooka | A Brief History of the Collect-A-Thon [SSFF] (Patreon)
Yooka-Laylee lit a fire under our butts, we had to make one more video but this time a semi-historical video. Spanning 20+ years of gaming, it's a brief history of the Collect-A-Thon, which we argue did not actually die off, it just found its way into GTA-style open world games before sliding into every major single-player campaign and morphing into achievements.
This was a really fun project, half Past-Mortem half Punching-Weight, I'm really happy with how this one turned out! Though I'm anticipating a lot of backlash for not mentioning certain games haha. Grace made me cut the script way way down, which is definitely for the better. I could probably do 30 minutes on just the difference between Mario and Banjo, it's a fascinating subject. But at a certain point you gotta ask "it this a video or a feature-length documentary?"
Anyway, thanks as always for the support! I'm gonna be taking some time off from video production after this. It's been 2+ years of non-stop SSFF video work for me, and though this is what I love doing, I've been running on fumes for a while. I could use a short vacation. I'll still be around on the discord and skype calls but Grace will be finished with school in a few days, so she'll be able to pick up the production slack while I recharge.
Thanks again!!