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This one won by a landslide! So I knew I had to go big! I went through my entire GBA Everdrive with every GBA games and tried to find every possible 2D GBA port of a 3D game (within reason, or else this video would be 10 hours long).

Sorry for the lateness on this one, I've been dealing with some health stuff that I'm going to cover tomorrow on a proper State of the Skeleton. I had two doctor's visits last week and now that I know a little more of what's going on, I can let you know what's going on. Plus I had to reshoot half the damn video because my audio came back choppy!! No idea why!! It's the same set up I always use! So that was super frustrating.

Update will go up tomorrow which means I'll have the poll for UDUG May start on Wednesday, don't want to jam your inbox up with too many posts at once.

See you all then!

Uncle Derek


2D GBA Ports of 3D Games | UDUG

Episode 9?? We're almost to a full year of Uncle Derek Underground!


Dylan Juran

I see you’re using a gameboy player, but what are you using to record this footage? Like what’s the video output method? Looks like probably composite, and maybe the fuzziness of that is hiding the interlacing in your capture? I’m a frigging video format nerd for video games and there are some *great* options for GameCube, but I’m not sure what your philosophy is on that stuff.

Dylan Juran

Actually, I think this might not be composite, but it’s definitely an analogue out being captured. The GBP makes it harder to tell because it handles the gameboy image in a weird way, making it blurrier than the raw pixels might be in another digital capture environment. But the frame is not perfectly sharp either, so that makes me think it might be s-video? Couldn’t be component with some of that dot crawl im seeing.


I used composite into a CRT and composite out from there to an older model Elgato, captured with OBS. However, OBS wasn't reading Elgato game capture as a video source, so instead of messing with installing older versions, I just did a window capture with Elgato software. This messed up the synch horrible though, I was reacting to the TV in real time, but the capture was happening 4 seconds late. So I had to synch everything up in the edit by overlaying cropped footage of the game. It maybe would've been better just use emulation haha.

Dylan Juran

Ah, that does make sense! Do you prefer to capture composite? I really like the EON GCHD Mk2, and using GBI instead of the stock GBP Disc can make a really nice capture. Of course, budget constraints might make that a toughy. The digital out options for GameCube have gotten good, but I think even the carby is like $80. You should definitely consider checking out GBI though since your cube is modded.

Josh Sweet

I had that Splinter Cell game as a kid, it's just a great looking as I remember, but there was a stupidly hard "boss fight" chase sequence I could never get by. Some of these look so good, what a wild rabbit hole!