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Okay, here it is my awesome patrons! The fourth chapter to the Spidey harem fic with special guest star, Black Widow! And I guess technically She-Hulk and Captain Marvel were there in the beginning too, both of which will be receiving their own chapters down the line. Thanks for your patience once again and I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: All characters who participate in lewd or sexual acts are above the age of consent.

Avengers Tower

“Okay, I thought the code 911 was for emergencies only…” Spider-Woman slumped into her chair. This isn’t the headache she needed today. It had been a week since that news fiasco regarding herself and Spider-Man in a, shall we say, compromising position. Not to mention the threesome with her in the middle of whatever Black Cat’s and Peter’s relationship currently was. Today, her Avengers beeper went off near the crack of dawn. Something that only ever happened in potential world-ending scenarios. Which somehow Natasha, Jennifer, and Carol seem to think her life is right at this very moment. Right now they were all sitting at a conference table, staring at her as if she was a Skrull that just told them that there was another secret invasion imminent. “Look, it’s not that big of a deal. So I kissed Spider-Man. So what?”

Not that big of a deal? Aren’t you the same person who said that he’s the most childish, irritating superhero that you’ve ever worked with?” She-Hulk raised an eyebrow. “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any issues with the guy. Aside from the terrible puns every now and again, but I know that you’ve never really had ‘Spider-Man fever’ either.”

“Spider-Man fever?”

“It’s a real thing. Look it up whenever you get a chance.”

“No, we won’t.” Carol shook her head. “Trust me, I’ve been on the date with the guy-”

“Terrible kisser?” She-Hulk asked.

“No!” Both Carol and Jessica answered at the same time. They quickly looked at each other, confused and conflicted, before awkwardly glancing away.

“I never kissed him. The date never went that far!” Carol had to make sure that was said. “I mean, the date wasn’t awful. The dinner was awkward…god, he was so sweaty. Not that I blame him because I mean…come on, look at me.” She grinned, waving a hand over her bodacious, toned form.

“…And people call me conceited.” Jennifer grumbled with a roll of her eyes.

Natasha simply remained silent, tapping her fingers atop the wooden table, as she listened to the three superpowered heroines converse back and forth. Carol had been the one to call this imprudent meeting, an ill-advised and reckless move if the red-headed Russian felt like speaking her mind. They all continued babbling to each other; Jessica continuing to defend herself, which if there was any sense in the room at the moment, then she shouldn’t have had to. Jessica and her male counterpart were adults, even if said man acted like the polar opposite at times whenever they had the unfortunate happenstance to work together on missions. “…This was my only day off, Carol.”


“Do you know how rare the statistics are when SHIELD allows top operatives an actual day off?”

“Um…maybe like one in a hundred?”

Natasha’s eye twitched. “You are more likely to be hit by a car that was struck by lightning during an earthquake after the Hulk smashed the ground with his giant green hands. You’re probably about to say, ‘Nat, when has that ever happened?’ Well it has. Twice actually. Both of which happened on days that were supposed to be my damned day off! And when, finally, Banner decides not to get angry after someone cuts him off in traffic or whatever reason he has to get mad about these days, you decide to call this stupid meeting about something that has absolutely nothing to do with you!”

“Geez, alright, I’m sorry, but I’m just trying to look out for my best friend! For all I know she could be hypnotized-”

“I’m not hypnotized.” Jessica replied dully.

“-Or blackmailed-”

“Spider-Man is not blackmailing me. He’s too honest for that…it’s a little cute how incorruptible he is.”

“-Or…or…” Carol stopped, tossing her hands into the air. “…Yeah okay, there might be a slight possibility that I overreacted on what I saw on the news.” She brushed her hair uncomfortably by the three stares of deadpan irritation coming from them. “What? How else should I react after coming back from literal outer space to see my best friend making out with the most annoying guy on the Avengers?!”

“Ex-Avenger actually. Pretty sure they kicked him out after he got brain-swapped with that Octo-loser or whatever.” She-Hulk pointed out. “Why didn’t he ever get reinstated anyways?”

“Because only Steve wanted him back.” Natasha sighed, checking her watch. “And I missed my spa appointment, fantastic. It’ll be another year before I can get a reservation with Sergei…” She glared towards the meekly smiling Carol Danvers before glancing over at Spider-Woman. “Does he at least kiss as good as spits those asinine quips?”

Jessica nodded, “I was just as surprised as you, trust me.”

“Interesting…” Natasha leaned back into her chair. “And do you think he can be trusted?”

“What? What do you mean?” Jessica asked.

“Say, hypothetically, you two are talking in bed after a night of intense lovemaking-”

“WHOA! OKAY, WE DON’T NO-NO WE DON’T NEED TO BE…I don’t need to be picturing that!” Carol shouted, backing away from the table.

“Heyyyyyyyyyy, slow that down! I mean I have nothing against the guy, but please do not make me picture him in nothing but a mask. Uh-uh, no thank you.” Jennifer shook her head.

“Oh grow up.” Jessica rolled her eyes.

“…As I was saying, in that hypothetical romantic scenario, do you trust that his, hmm what is the term again…ah, ‘motormouth,’ will not accidentally spill confidential SHIELD information to the thugs that he beats down? I trust you not to give any leeway to our enemies, but Spider-Man? He is an unknown. And I despise unknowns.” Natasha stood up from her seat, walking to the nearest window, and looked down at the New York skyline. “Well, Jessica, do you trust him not do such a thing?”

It was only a few seconds of hesitation before Jessica spoke up. “I trust him. For better or worse, I do.” She took another couple of moments to ready what she was about to say after studying Natasha’s body language. “…But you don’t.”

Black Widow didn’t look back towards Spider-Woman. Or either of the two other heroes in the room. All she did was crick her sore neck, thinking about the lost opportunity of Sergei’s muscular palms fixing every kink in her body, replying, “No. I do not.”

Peter’s (crappy) Apartment

Peter exhaled tiredly as he exited the shower. Once again, somebody in his building had used up all of the hot water, leaving him with another ice-cold shower that turned his nipples into icicles. He shivered upon leaving the bathroom, noticing the opened window across his living room. His spider-sense wasn’t alerting him to any danger, but not even that was a perfect security technique. Before he could turn his head, a familiar sensual voice called to him from behind, as black leather gloves covered his eyes.

“Guess who?”

“Mrs. Garcia, the crazy cat lady that smells like kitty urine from 3G?” Peter sensed the smack that was coming his way, allowing Felicia’s hand to hit the back of his head, as he grinned his usual sardonic smile. “Hey, did you change your hair?” He asked, pointing to the thief’s ponytail.

“Yes, I decided to go with a different look today. Don’t bother complimenting me, I already know I look hot. I counted at least three dozen cat calls and whistles on my way down here. Nw don’t change the subject because I do not smell like cat pee! I’m at least ninety-nine percent pretty sure that’s your shitty apartment smell.” Felicia shot back, wagging the hand that she used to hit her snarky fuck buddy. Or boyfriend. Or whatever the heck they were. Either way, her hand hurt. “And here I was about to offer you another night in Château Hardy, but you can forget it now.” She shot Peter a faux glare, but even he knew that it wasn’t real. Instead, the ivory-haired burglar sized him up, watching as the water droplets sparkled against his muscles, with the pink Hello Kitty towel doing him no favors in covering his manhood. “Wait, is that my towel?”

“What? You gave it to me.”

“Yeah, to use at my place. Not here in this dingy, disgusting, possibly rat-infested apartment.” Felicia cringed, dusting the couch several times with her hand, before taking a seat. “I feel like I’ll get COVID or Tuberculosis from just sitting here.”

Peter shrugged. “Well, I can give it back if you want, but I doubt you’d want it after it’s been rubbing against my crotch for the past several days.”

“Hmph. So the towel has been getting more action than me. That’s annoying.”

Peter didn’t need spider-sense to tell that Felicia was pissed. So maybe after that amazing threesome between himself, Jessica, and Felicia, he may have felt awkward and dirty and weird and awkward and embarrassed and awkward and oh so very awkward. Enough so that he might be potentially avoiding Black Cat by casually swinging past her penthouse and missing her calls. Judging by the passive-aggressive tone that Felicia was giving him, he knew that he was in trouble. “Look, Felicia-”

“It was just a threesome, Peter. I don’t know why you’re having such a hangup about screwing two gorgeous women. It’s just sex. What’s the big deal?” Felicia turned to him, frowning. “I know you’re pretty much the poster child for being a boy scout-”

“Actually, I’m pretty sure that role is reserved solely for Captain America-”

“-But that’s not a freaking excuse to avoid my calls and ghost me!”

“Okay, okay, look I’m sorry, okay?” Peter put his hands up in an attempt to alleviate the tension in the room. “It’s just that…well c’mon, that kind of stuff doesn’t happen to me! I’m just a nerdy spaz from Queens! When jocks were playing Seven Minutes in Heaven, I was memorizing the Periodic Table. When guys were screwing their prom dates in the back of their dad’s convertible, I was beating up a flying geriatric near the top of the Empire State building. I don’t…” He tossed his hands in the air, unsure of what to say next, sputtering uncontrollably. “…I didn’t know how to react, okay? I mean, you and Jessica, I mean…WOW! I’ve had sex. We’ve had sex-”

“Yes, I’m aware.” Felicia responded duly.

“-mind blowing sex before! But this, what happened between ourselves and Jessica-”

Felicia couldn’t help but start grinning, “Let me guess, it was ‘wow?’”

“No, it was WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! Like fireworks filled with gunpowder and cocaine!”

“Peter, when have you ever done cocaine? Heck, when have you even used any drugs that didn’t come over the counter?”

“Never and I never ever will, but I imagine that cocaine feels like how I felt after having sex with two of the hottest women on the planet, I’ll tell you that much!”

Felicia perked up somewhat after hearing Peter say that. She already knew that was the case but hearing it from him felt so much better than whenever she repeated that in the mirror every morning. “I suppose stating the obvious nets you a few positive points…even if I am still pissed at you for sending me to voicemail.” She got up, poking a claw several times into the webhead’s brawny chest. “Don’t ever do that to me again. Not even if you’re bleeding out in a gutter somewhere, got it?”

“Heh, y-yeah, got it.”

“Good.” Felicia moved closer, tracing the contours of Peter’s pectorals with that same fingered claw. “That bed of yours have any bedbugs? Because you’ve got several days of makeup sex to give for avoiding me. All work and no play make Felicia very, very horny.” She missed him. By god, did she miss him, and it pissed her off at how badly it felt not having his warm body in her bed to wake up to every day. Being this dependent on somebody was something that Felicia hated. But when the sex was addictive enough that she got the shakes whenever she didn’t get her fix, then at least she could play it off as merely sex rather than her emotions getting the better of her. Leaning closer to Peter’s face, she blew into his ear, giggling at feeling his body shake. “Peter…”


“…I want to fuck you. And I want you to fuck me. Here. In your disgusting apartment.”

“I-I don’t know about this, Felicia. I mean, my walls are pretty thin-”

“Mmmmmm, then we better give the neighbors something to listen to on this boring day in New York.” Felicia giggled uncontrollably, giddy to finally have what she needed: sex with her lovely Spider boytoy. She quickly thrust her lips onto his, kissing him animalistically, pushing him closer towards his bedroom. All that stood in her way was that Hello Kitty towel she “borrowed” from a supermarket in the Upper West side after the shopkeeper gave her a dirty look. “Zip me down, Spider.” Her breaths were hot and fuming as she watched Peter hook his finger around her zipper, pulling it down painfully slow, as her humongous, perfect breasts billowed out into the open air. “The girls are tingling…they really missed you.”

Peter gulped, his manhood hardening at the sight of Felicia’s rack. “I…erm…really missed them too.” He did. He really, really did. His mouth was already sucking on her right nipple before she could even blink, groping her pillowy bosom with exquisite euphoria. Her areola stiffened in his mouth, telling him that Black Cat was equally turned on, which gave him the confidence he needed to push forward, literally, and felt his cock press up against her pubic mound. The zipper was past her navel, exposing every bit of her front, which included her ivory bush and dripping slit. “Felicia, you’re dripping your juices all over my floor.”

“That’s because I’ve missed you, Spider. It’s because of you that I’ve missed my daily dose of Vitamin D and you’re about to make it up to me.” Playfully, Black Cat carefully rubbed her pussy lips over Peter’s phallus, smirking as his euphoric moans were music to her ears. “Meee~ow! Your cock is throbbing like crazy! Guess he missed me too, huh?” She laughed, pressing her lips onto Peter’s again, and thrust her tongue deep inside his mouth. Together, they stripped her latex outfit off her body, wildly touching and pawing at each other, while making their way to Peter’s messy bedroom. There was hardly any place to move, which was far different when compared to Felicia’s place. Bumping into walls and the shoddy bedframe, the two fell downwards, laughing together, with Felicia falling on top of her lover.

Peter stared deep into Felicia’s green eyes, his fingers entrenched into her platinum blonde locks, stroking them with tender care. Words caught in his throat. Right now he was in bed with the sexiest cat burglar that ever existed. Someone far out of his league, and she had to know it, but yet she still came back to him, no matter how many times their relationship failed. He always had terrible luck when it came to relationships, whether romantic, familial, or even just platonic. Gwen, Aunt May, Mary Jane, Harry, Betty, Carley, Cindy, Bobbi, and especially Felicia. That brain-swap with Doctor Octavius almost ruined their friendship permanently. But now here they were again, trying to rebuild whatever romantic notion that was left over from their last attempt at a relationship. Was that even what Felicia wanted? An actual relationship? Or was this just sex? That impulsive three-way with Jessica seemed to imply the latter, but if so, then why was she staring at him so lovingly, like he was the last precious diamond on the planet?


“Don’t.” Felicia cut him off. “Don’t ruin the moment. Just kiss me.”

And Peter did, if only after a few moments of brief hesitation. As they kissed, he grunted as Felicia’s hand wrapped around his dick, rubbing the tip up and down her labia, focusing on her clit. She was eager, that much was clear. Glad to see that he wasn’t the only one that was insanely horny. With the mouths still conjoined, Peter thrust into her, reveling in the familiar tightness, moaning together with Felicia into their impassioned kiss. His hands roamed down her superbly juicy hips, taking great pleasure as he firmly gripped them a few times, as he reached around for her flawless, plump ass cheeks.

“Enjoying my dumptruck?” Felicia teased with a coy whisper.

“Your what?”

“I’m talking about my perfect rump, you uncultured spider. The one that your little fingers are sinking deep into.” Felicia purred, spinning her waist around with Peter’s penis still wedged inside her, and turned so that her butt was now facing the nerdy webhead. “See? This one. You like it, Peter? You like my nice, juicy, butt jumping up and down your big, fat cock?” She mewled with every slam of her hips, gyrating forcefully down onto his pelvis. “F-Fuck, you’re hitting all of my sweet spots already~! It’s like my tight, little pussy was made for your dick!” Reaching backwards, Felicia grabbed Peter’s hands and pushed them onto her heaving breasts. “Don’t forget about the girls too! They need plenty of attention~! Mmmmm~! Yessssss, squeeze my nipples harder, Spider!”

Through gritted teeth, Peter steeled his will and thrusted forward into Felicia’s constrictive, ribbed walls, feeling their unyielding resolve to milk him dry as they tightened around both his shaft and tip. “O-Ohhhh! Feliciaaaaaaaa!” He moaned her name constantly, holding her sweaty, sexy body close to him, never wanting to let her go. The sex was amazing, as per usual. It always had been when it came to intercourse with Black Cat. Even on their off days, the loads he’d shoot either into her or all over her body were nothing short of fantastic. Reaching for her ponytail with one of his hands, while keeping the other firmly on her left tit, Peter pulled her back towards him, sending his cock careening further down her cunty abyss.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM~!!! Yes, pull my hair, baby! Oh god, you’re so fucking amazing, Spider!! Yes Yes Yessssssss!!! Oh, I’m cumming! Cum with me, Peter! Fill me up like you always do!!!” Felicia squealed, tightening her cunt muscles to their absolute, hellbent on milking the man below her for all he had.

“A-Are you sure, Felicia? You took your pills, ri-”


‘Oh sweet lord, I’m creating a sex-crazed kitty monster, aren’t I?’ Several inches deep inside of Felicia, the webhead sped up his humps, listening to the wild meaty slaps of his pelvis crashing hard onto Black Cat’s ass. Or rather, her ‘dumptruck’ as she aptly put it earlier. Seriously, what kind of slang were people creating nowadays? Did he have one too? Were people tweeting about his butt all the-okay, now he was just getting distracted. Focusing back onto the drop-dead gorgeous cat burglar that was currently riding him like her life depended on it, panting and mewling like a whore, Peter kept going until the dam finally broke, unleashing the potent cum that Felicia so desperately craved. His tip ramming straight into the barrier to her womb, waves of his seed burst inside, filling it quickly enough that streams of his semen began oozing out of her packed cunt. “F-Felicia…you keep tightening up…” He panted, tapping on the giant ass that was crushing his pelvis.

“Shut up! Kitty needs her fix,” was all Felicia responded, still grinding crazily on top of Peter’s hips.

This went on for almost an hour. It got so bad that Peter was even able to finish the New York Times crossword puzzle while Felicia sucked him off. Hmm…maybe this could become a regular thing? A blowjob, some coffee, exercising the brain, what could be better? If that’s what he wanted, then maybe accepting Felicia’s invitation wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Then again, the last thing he wanted was to be seen as a moocher or dependent on the reformed cat burglar. A loud pop made him escape his thoughts, noticing Felicia swish around whatever cum she managed to suck out of his penis. Peter lost count on how many ejaculations he went through, losing track after fifteen. What was with his stamina nowadays? Usually, the most he could have done in the past was five times, but recently he’d been putting those numbers to shame.

“Phew, you finally done?” Peter asked, tossing the crossword onto the floor. He watched Felicia raise a finger in the air, signaling that she wasn’t quite finished, with his semen still swishing inside her bulging cheeks. After a loud audible gulp, accompanied by a sheepish burp from the blonde thief, she rubbed her face against his flaccid penis, purring seductively while cleaning it up with her luscious pink lips. “…Is this going to take another hour? Because I’m missing my daily beat.”

“Pshh, oh please, you act like you don’t enjoy how much I pamper your penis.”

“…Fair enough. But as much as I do enjoy it, I can’t just ignore my responsibilities. New York needs its Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.”

Black Cat rolled her eyes, grumbling under her breath about annoying responsibilities and stupid heroic speeches. “Fine fine. Go ahead and go be a noble hero or whatever. Today is my lazy day, so I’ll be sleeping off this sex coma.”

“Come on, Felicia. Heroes don’t get lazy days.” Peter chided her as he got up from his bed, going towards the closet to pull out his costume. He sniffed it a few times, cringing slightly, and told himself to wash this the next time he slept over Felicia’s. ‘Oh well. There are way worse smells in New York than my three-day-without-washing costume.’ As he dressed himself, Peter turned to see Felicia watching him with a feline stare; inquisitive and aloof. “Um, do I have lipstick on my face?”

“You wear a mask, remember? Does it really matter?” Felicia smirked.

“…Hmm, true. Very true. Still doesn’t answer my question though.” Peter saw Felicia curl her finger, signaling him over, and quickly leapt onto the bed, making her jump and laugh. God, did he love the sound of her laugh. Felicia was many things; closed-off, aloof, impulsive, definitely in line with her feline persona, which was why being able to actually get a genuine laugh out of her was such an achievement. It meant, at least to him, that there was something between them. Much more than just random sex. Was it love? Hmm…tough to say, but it was stronger than simple lust. He cared about Felicia. A lot more than he should about a woman that had tricked and deceived him more times that he cared to remember. “Give me a kiss for luck.”

“I only give bad luck, you sexy idiot. Aren’t you afraid that the second you swing out of here, you’ll suddenly get hit by lightning or hit by a helicopter or something?”

Peter moved closer to her face, getting a whiff of her perfume. “God, you smell fantastic.” Carefully, he brushed some of the blonde strands out of Felicia’s face, seeing her smile grow a bit, and felt her lean into his caress. “You’re the complete opposite of bad luck, Felicia. Or at least, I don’t know, you make me feel like I could take a million volts of electricity surging through my body or something. Right now, being here with you…I feel like I’m the luckiest guy in the world.” He saw her cheeks turn red, huffing cutely, and turn away from him. “What? Come on, that was a great line. One hundred percent romantic! Most girls would have squeed at that line.”

“Squee? Do I look like kind of girl who squees? Wait is that even a word? Ugh, who even uses a word like that?”

“I don’t know. Maybe the same kind of person who uses the word ‘dumptruck’ to refer to their butt?”

“…Touché, Spider.”

“Yeah, now just shut up and kiss me.”

Felicia huffed through her nostrils, pretending to look annoyed as she also rolled her eyes. Deep down, she was happy hearing him say those things. Not that she’d ever admit it of course. The last thing Peter needed was a swelled ego by thinking that he made her heart skip a beat by a line like that…even if it may or may not have happened. She pulled him by the back of the neck, kissing him deeply, with plenty of tongue for sexual emphasis. “Come back to my place after your dumb patrol, got it?” Felicia made sure to leave no room for negotiation in her tone.

“Yes, ma’am. Should I bring back some Chinese food?”

“You better. If I’m waiting up for you, then I want those special egg rolls from that one place you go. Oh what was it called…”

“The place by 78th street, right?”

“Yes! Yeah, go there! Oh, and bring back some shrimp fried rice too! I’ve been craving their rice for ages.”

“Gotcha. I’ll remember.” Peter waved to her with a peace sign before hopping out his window.

Felicia waited for a few moments, making sure that Peter was actually gone, and muttered quietly, “…I love you.”

A few hours later - ???

Being Spider-Man was exhausting. And, not to mention, extremely dangerous. One minute you’re beating down thugs who were trying to rob a local mom and pop shop. The next, somebody hits the back of your neck with a tranquilizer dart when a local woman flashes you on the street. Talk about rude. Both to the one that shot him and that flasher. Speaking of flashing, there was a bright light shining down on his face that was making it difficult to see through his hazy vision.

“Ugh…okay, whoever had the gall to shoot me in the neck with a freakin’ tranq dart when I was picking up my Chinese food order, you should at least have the common decency to-” Spider-Man stopped, his vision clearing finally enough to see a woman sitting across from him. A familiar red-haired woman with whom he’d crossed paths many times in his career as a superhero. “Natasha? Oh please tell me that this isn’t another HYDRA takeover and I’m first on your list on murdering all of the superheroes. Come on, I haven’t even finished all of Grey’s Anatomy yet! And I’m still not over George O’Malley’s death yet! A bus! A freaking bus killed my guy?! What kind of sick writer wrote that!?”

Natasha kept a stoic face, listening to the spider-themed hero drone on and on about a medical drama that had long past stayed past its prime. What she was about to do to him wasn’t personal. Not in the slightest. The man behind the spider mask, as annoying as he was, had done not only his city, but also his country a service in fighting back against the forces of evil and villainy. At one point in her life, when she was suffering from mental regression from the hands of HYDRA, thinking of herself as nothing but a schoolteacher by the name of Nancy Rushman, Natasha had romantic feelings of attachment for the wallcrawler. While these turned out to be nothing but the feelings of her amnesiac self, there were times when she’d feel a spark of something between the two. Perhaps it was merely a lingering side effect of what HYDRA had done to her. In the end, it didn’t matter. She had a job to do here.

“Spider-Man.” Natasha called out to the wallcrawler icily, cutting him off. “There have been reports of a recent entanglement regarding one of our agents.” She tossed a folder onto the table with pictures of himself and Spider-Woman caught in an intimate embrace. “This is you and Jessica Drew, is it not?”

“…Um, I plead the fifth.”

“If being arrested is your main fear, then belay such notions. I have no intention on sticking in you the Raft or any such place just because you and your spider-themed cohort cannot keep it in your pants.” Natasha had to fight a grin at seeing Spider-Man sputter uncontrollably. It was amusing for the shoe to be on the other fit and watch the wallcrawler being embarrassed by another. But she remained stoic; her face rigid and uncompromising, as her blue eyes were glued onto the spider hero. “However, your past history in being a thorn in SHIELD’s side have not been forgotten nor your track record in your mind being compromised.”

“Oh come on, seriously? Is this about the Doc Ock taking over my brain thing? Again?! Why is everyone bringing that back up all of a sudden? It happened. It sucked. I hated every moment of my hijacked body being used against my will…” Peter scratched his head. “…Even if he did make me a millionaire and got me a doctorate and some other stuff. But besides that, that point in my life was horrible, but it’s over now! I’m me! Scan my brain waves or whatever!”

“We did. Several times in fact and everything tracks with your normal brain activity. But that does not change the fact that what happened once can, and may one day, happen again. You are currently affiliating yourself romantically with an agent of SHIELD with access to confidential material that could upend not only our world, but even others outside of our solar systems.” Natasha pushed her seat back abruptly, causing it to screech and fall to the floor, as she shot up onto her feet suddenly. “As such, I have taken it upon myself to bring you here and find out if you have what it takes. I will test your resolve; to see if you have what it takes to stay strong against any forms of interrogation if you were to be captured against your will.”

Spider-Man didn’t know how to take this. Was he about to be interrogated? Here? In what looked to be some kind of hidden, SHIELD examination room? Where even was he? In a warehouse? An abandoned building? Should he try to escape? He could, but that would just make whatever this mess was even worse. So should he just play along? Peter was conflicted but decided to try at least one avenue of negotiation before leaving his fate in the hands of the sexy, voluptuous Russian agent.

“…Can I at least call my lawyer?”

Natasha allowed herself one smirk, murmuring out a chuckled huff of amusement. “Trust me, with what I am about to do to you, I very much doubt you will want any witnesses.”

‘I don’t know whether to be terrified or turned on? Can I be both?’ Peter gulped, very much glad that his mask was able to hide his perspiring face.

What happened next was not at all what he was expecting. Now what he was expecting to happen to him, regarding these apparent brutal interrogative tactics to be used upon him, was something along the lines of his nipples being hooked up to some sort of battery. Horrifying as the thought was, which was why he needed to stop watching Mafia movies before going to bed at night, that didn’t happen thankfully. Instead, Peter watched as Natasha reached for the frontal zipper of her black skinsuit, slowly zipping it down until the upper part of her curvaceous cleavage peeked out. His breath hitched, grateful that a table was covering what was a burgeoning erection. “W-What are you-”

bud' spokoyen.” Natasha spat out. “You will only speak when I give you permission to. From now until we are finished, you are merely a potential enemy of SHIELD, and as such you will be treated like any other nemesis. So, if you want to go back to whatever mundane life you have outside of your crime-fighting hours, then I suggest you zip that unrelenting motor mouth of yours, and for once: shut up.

‘Okay, yeah, I’m both. I’m scaroused.’Peter once again gulped, wondering why the heck the universe kept throwing him these wild curve balls.

Horny women curved balls.

Natasha couldn’t keep the smile creeping up on her face, kicking the metal table away with her left booted foot. “Tell you what, I will be kind, just this once. If you keep quiet for the rest of this interrogation, then I will allow you one phone call. You can call whoever you want; your lawyer, your mother, or Doctor Doom, it does not matter. By the end of this, you’ll barely be able to utter out a coherent sentence to save your life.” She inched closer, her bosom jiggling from every step, until she was inches away from Spider-Man’s face. “I will break you, Spider.”

“Err, it would have totally been cooler if you said, ‘I must break you.’ Not to diss on your um, scary dominatrix interrogator thing you got going on.” Peter couldn’t help himself. Fear made him speak, constantly, even if what he said had no possible bearing on what was happening around him. He kind have hoped that he would have gotten a laugh, hell he would have settled for a scowl or something. Instead, all the webhead got for his trouble was a stoic stare.

Natasha peeked down at his crotch, her eyebrow rising in bemusement. “That suit does you no favors in hiding your arousal, Spider-Man.” The redheaded Russian’s eyes remained glued on what looked to be a painfully bulging erection threatening to rip out of the skintight webbed suit. “Perhaps we should free the little fellow. Otherwise, he might die of asphyxiation.”

“Umm, is it too late to mention that I’m sort of in a quasi-relationship with one of my ex’s?”

“Hmm? I did not know that Jessica Drew and you had a prior relationship before this.”

“What? Oh n-no, Jessica and I? What? No never. Before all of this, I’d think she’d sleep with a Skrull than me.”

“As did I.”

“…Ouch.” Spider-Man deadpanned. “I was actually talking about Black Cat, mind you. But please, go on and continue barraging my confidence. It’s not like I got enough of that in high school.”

‘Did Jessica know about this? If so, then it seems that our feminine Spider didn’t divulge every detail like she swore. I should have been paying further attention.’ Aside from the mild surprise, Black Widow didn’t let the shock make its way to her face. Regardless of whatever romantic connections Spider-Man had, it had no bearing on what she was doing. This was just business. Matters of global security. Besides, just because it’d been ages since she’d had a good lay, it didn’t mean that she was looking forward to seeing his spider schlong. No, not in the least. Quickly, with the ferocity of a rabid animal, Natasha ripped away the crotched area of the wallcrawler’s suit, revealing the humongous slab of meat that’d been threatening to tear through. “…yebat.

‘Oh, I bet that’s Russian for a bad word or something.’ Peter had to fight back a stifle of laughter. Whether Black Widow was lying or telling the truth about actually letting him get a phone call didn’t much matter. The last thing he wanted was to piss off a scary Russian that knew over a thousand ways of killing him, even if he was physically stronger. Not to mention that she was close enough to Felicia’s favorite new play toy, AKA his spider schlong. So, for the betterment of his male physicality, he was keeping his mouth shut for the remainder of…whatever the heck sort of weirdly sexual situation this was.

‘This is much bigger than I was anticipating. How could Jessica not have mentioned that he was so…so…big!?’ Natasha tensed her body. This changed nothing. In her career as a super spy, many of her missions revolved around seducing powerful men, several of which had cocks that could only be described as a third leg. The odd part was that those were easier to deal with than the micro penises some oligarchs had. The dick currently throbbing in front of her, however? Now this was worthy of a challenge for the Russian seductress. She had tamed more men than there were countries on this planet and Spider-Man was no different than the rest of them. No matter how strong, or intelligent, or charismatic, all men loved the same thing. “…Your cock is so big…it’s…it’s amazing.”

They all loved having their egos stroked, especially when it came to their cocks receiving compliments regarding their size.

“R-Really?! H-Heh, well, I mean, I may or may not be in the upper echelon of above average penises…e-erm, p-probably. It’s not like I c-checked or anything.” Peter guffawed, quickly going back to shutting up.

‘Hmph, like all the rest.’ Natasha smirked, lowering her mouth closer towards the throbbing meat rod. Unbeknownst to the Russian, her tongue unconsciously slid out of her mouth, licking her lips hungrily, which sent a tingle down Spider-Man’s back. The scent of a man’s stench; sweat, precum, lust…it brought back memories; some good, other bad, and lots of them orgasmic. She moved closer, her angular nose rimming the tip of the webhead’s cock. Natasha took a sniff. And then another. And then another. And then a few more. “As annoying as you are, I must admit…your cock smells…I do not know how else to put it; addictive, that is what it smells like.” The Russian femme fatale had never said anything like that to another man.

Spider-Man, since he wasn’t allowed to speak nor did he have any such witty comeback, gave a thumbs up in reply. He watched, unsure of how to react, as the coquettish agent pressed her nose onto his cock, taking whiff after whiff, while it pulsed eagerly on her face. This went on a while. A scary long while. So much so that he had to cough loudly to get her to stop. He must’ve started her, seeing her jump slightly, before the super spy cleared her throat.

“Ahem! Mmmmmphrm! Yes…as I said, quite addictive. The pheromones are quite palpable. Similar to Jessica’s own powers. However, this has never been a part of your own power set. Quite strange…” Natasha looked up, his thick spider schlong towering over her face. She huffed derisively at Spider-Man shrugging in response, not even bothering with any follow-up questions. Instead, she refocused back on what she was doing prior, carefully grasping hold of the dick in front of her. Her slender fingers coiled around the shaft, sensing it throb excitedly between her fingers, and shifted herself closer towards the tip. The scent of precum wafted into her nostrils, setting her feminine instincts aflame once more. ‘I need to be careful. If these powers are anything like Jessica’s, then I’ll be the one bending to his will instead.’

Steeling herself, Natasha licked her lips unconsciously and shifted the tip of his penis into her mouth. Focusing on just the tip was how she always liked to start, since the frenulum was commonly a man’s most sensitive area. She bobbed her head a few times, her tongue tickling the engorged head. It was clear that the spider-themed hero was enjoying what she was giving to him, feeling his legs shiver in-between her, while she sucked him off. Most men would have killed to be in his position, getting head from Black Widow, the Russian temptress. But this wasn’t for pleasure. No, this was a test to see if Spider-Man could be trusted with potential confidential information.

Black Widow stopped for a second, popping his tip out of her mouth so fast that it slapped her cheek, drizzling precum onto it. She felt the semeny strand stain her, sliding down towards the upper corner of her lip, and had to fight herself not to stick her tongue out to lick it. ‘Patience…’Clearing her throat to gain the attention of the wallcrawler, she reached between her cleavage and pulled out a folded scrap of paper, handing it to Spider-Man. “What you have there is a word that a SHIELD operative wrote down. What it is, I do not know. I made sure not to be in the same room as she wrote it, nor have I peeked to see what the paper says. Your goal is to keep this information to yourself, while I will do my damndest to wring every drop of information I can from you, Spider-Man. Should you succeed in this, you will be allowed to continue with your…whatever it is you and Jessica are. However-” She gripped his shaft harder, squeezing the throbbing piece of meat as it squirmed in her hand. “-if you happen to fail and tell me what that piece of paper says, then not only will you be barred from ever sleeping with Jessica again, but all of SHIELD will know of your pitiful failure. I will make sure to personally tell Maria Hill herself that Spider-Man’s weakness is not his secret identity…but the thing between his crotch. Is that clear?”

Spider-Man could hardly believe what he was hearing, but he knew that what Natasha was saying was the truth. Then again, she was a spy, so lying was in the job description. Deciding to take the red-haired Russian at her word, he taunted her with a ‘bring it on’ motion of his hands. He’d been having the best sex of his life for the past couple of weeks with Felicia, and no matter how great the beginning of that blowjob may have been, there’s no way that she could ever top- “OH M-HUUUURGHHHHHHH!!!” He almost buckled then and there, clasping the piece of paper that would determine whether or not he could ever fuck Jessica again tight in his hand, as Natasha swallowed every inch of his cock down her throat.

That salacious tongue of hers taunted the veins of his shaft, tickling them as her saliva painted his cock with a clear sheen. Peter could hear her gargle when she reached the base, and her soft lips touched his crotch. This woman was a pro. He didn’t know if cocksucking was a necessary requirement to be a SHIELD agent, but if it was, then Natasha passed that prerequisite with flying colors. Felicia could give amazing blowjobs, but somehow Natasha took it to a whole other realm. He barely had a second to read what was on the piece of paper. There were wings…so maybe it was a bird? But why would there be a drawing of a bird on the-

“Hummmmprph!!!” Peter squeezed his hands into tight fists, crushing the paper with his immense power. The redheaded Russian spat out his penis, leaving the pulsing rod slick with her saliva in front of her exposed cleavage. They were so close to touching those round, gigantic, pillowy mountains. Felicia had spoiled him with too many titjobs…

“You’re close already, aren’t you?” Natasha whispered; a coy smirk spread across her lips.

Peter shook his head. There was no way in hell that he was letting her get the upper hand. ‘Think unsexy thoughts, Pete. Kingpin in a thong…Kingpin in a thong…Kingpin in a thong.’

“Hmm? That so? You sure about that?” Natasha moved her breasts closer, letting the left press against his penis a little, and felt it pulsate excitedly. “Fine, I’ll leave you to cool off.” She rose to her feet and saw the astonished expression on Spider-Man’s mask. How that mask of his could contort itself like that, she didn’t know…

“W-Wait a minute! We’re done, seriously?!”

“No, of course not. I did say that this would be brutal, didn’t I? This is an interrogation, Spider-Man, and I have every intention on making you hurt just like any other person I question.” Black Widow grinned slyly as she reached the door, winking over to the spider hero. “You can attempt to relieve yourself, but doing so will result in failure of this endeavor, and you forfeit any future relationship with Jessica. Escape, and the results are the same.”

The echo of the door she slammed reverberated in Peter’s ears, along with all of the thoughts of cursing his Parker luck for getting him into this situation in the first place.

‘It’s gonna be a loooooooooooong night, I can already tell…’

Hour 2

“Does this feel good? It must. This cock of yours won’t stop throbbing.” Natasha looked at the penis that her fingers were enclosed around. The wallcrawler was holding his own surprisingly, not once trying to either escape or sexually relieve himself through masturbation. He could have easily broken out of this SHIELD enclosure. There were hardly any guards posted and there were no restraints placed upon his hands or feet. The only thing holding him here was the threat of no longer being able to fuck Spider-Woman whenever he so pleased. Jessica must have been one hell of a lay if a man would endure all of this sexual torture just for her sake. Or maybe it was a pride thing? Either way, Natasha was enjoying herself oddly enough, smiling down at Spider-Man’s erection.

“Are you proud of this?” Natasha spoke up, glancing over at the spider hero.

“…Oh, so I’m allowed to talk now?” Peter responded annoyedly. Three hours. He’d been given handjobs and blowjobs for three hours without any hope of ejaculation. Any and all jokes and quips were out the window. “And proud of what exactly?

“What else? Your penis. You have a big size, this is good. I myself expected something smaller to be honest.” Nat’s thumb slid over his urethra, wiping away some precum that was oozing out.

“…This is without a doubt the weirdest conversation we’ve ever had, Natasha.”

Black Widow shrugged. “The silence was becoming tedious.”

“Well, you could let me cum. That could maybe help.” Peter joked in a vain attempt to relieve himself of not only this painful need to ejaculate, but also to get him out of this painfully awkward situation.

“Hmph.” Natasha huffed. “Perhaps you are funny after all.”

Peter sighed, “Worth a shot…”

Natasha laughed, letting his penis go, and watched as it beat back and forth in the air. Another globule of semen seeped out of his slit and wiped it away with her index finger. “Mmmm…looks like I got a little too close there,” she said, licking off the strand of sperm from her finger.

All Peter could do was grunt in abject frustration at watching that erotic scene, unable to jerk himself off at the very least. “…You are so, so, so cruel!”

“Well, I didn’t get the codename Black Widow by being kind.”

Hour 3

Peter hurt. Peter hurt so bad. He didn’t think his penis could swell up that big, but it could. And it was. And all he could do was stare as this sexy, gorgeous, Russian was centimeters away from dick, staring at with predacious hunger it like it was a piece of succulent Kielbasa. Even the hot breaths from her nose were close to setting him off. But it wasn’t just that. No. Now she was kissing it, all over. The tip, the shaft, even his balls were being subjected to those pink, juicy, luscious lips of hers.

“Mmm. Mmmmmmm~! Mmm-mmm-mmmmmm!” Natasha chuckled with every kiss, feeling the penis pulsate against her lips. Some of his precum stuck to her nose, lapping it away like a professional porn star, and swallowed it before returning to the sloppy, wet kisses. While one hand was caressing his balls, the other was holding his cock steady, while she kissed every inch of his penis. ‘How long have I been doing this? Hmm…it tastes so good. His cum is so creamy, so thick…so fucking addictive.’  It didn’t help that his penis was adorable, squirming and throbbing in the air like a scared worm. This was the first time this type of sexual interrogation was fun for her. Perhaps it was because it was Spider-Man, a hero that’d annoyed her to no end for years, and this was finally a way to pay him back for all those years of frustration.

But he wasn’t that bad. Sure, the man had no filter for his quipping, many of which only a fifth-grader would find amusing, or his respect for authority was almost non-existent when it came to following orders. Yet still, there was an appeal to him, a maddening type of charm, if it could even be called that. Often, when a situation seemed bleakest, his off-the-cuff humor was what kept herself and many of the other heroes from falling to despair, even if it was at the cost of insulting the wallcrawler. Maybe that was the point? To keep their minds off failure and bring them together by his annoying nature.

Or maybe Natasha was just looking for anything to think about as she laid kiss after kiss onto Spider-Man’s penis, just so she could keep herself from falling victim to whatever pheromones she was inhaling.

Hour 4

She was sucking his cock. Again. Her jaw was starting to get sore from all of these blowjobs. Natasha almost had him spill the contents of whatever was on that piece of paper. But his resolve was like steel, unwilling to bend, no matter how hard she pressed. She was impressed by his unwillingness to break. Many men would have broken after just the first hour, but not him. Not Spider-Man. No, both himself and his cock were unrelenting in their strength to keep pushing forward.

Right now, Natasha was focusing on the frenulum, sucking for less than two seconds before spitting it back out. The penis was quite swollen, as were his balls, as she underwent this constant motion, bobbing her head slowly. Perhaps she was being cruel, subjecting the spider hero to all these hours of sexual torture. But there was no price she was willing to pay when it came to the security of this country or this planet. Because that was what a hero, a true hero, was called upon to do. To endure the impossible, no matter how badly they wanted to quit. Maybe all of this was unnecessary and she’d never be able to look Spider-Man in the eyes, or the eyes of his mask technically, again. Again, that was only a small price to pay for the solidified trust that both she and SHIELD would have for him should he manage to succeed.

Once more, Natasha popped out his penis from her mouth, seeing it throb in the air near her lips, as if begging to be finished off. It had endured so much already, gone farther than any other assailant that she’d subjected this sexual torture too over the long years of her sordid history. ‘I suppose his penis deserves a bit of encouragement. It’s been so strong…’ Gently, with a smile on her lips, the redheaded Russian pressed her lips onto the tip with an affectionate kiss. “Stay strong. Don’t give up.” She whispered under her breath, licking the frenulum as she spoke.

“W-Whuh?! D-Did you say something?! Are we done yet!?” Spider-Man snapped awake, having fallen asleep for just a few moments. ‘God, Felicia is so gonna kill me. I don’t what she’ll be furious about more; the fact that she’s not getting any Chinese Food, the fact that I haven’t called her yet, or that I’m currently being blown by Black Widow and she’s not around to join in.’

“We are finished, yes-”


“With hands and mouth stuff. Now we move onto to the butt.”

Peter’s eyes twitched underneath his mask. “…So this is how I die. Never thought it would be forcible non-ejaculation that would do me in, yet here we are. Just please, don’t put this on my tombstone.”

Hour 5

Peter always knew Natasha had a fat ass. A perfect rear could be seen for miles thanks to her skintight black suit. Never did he think that he’d actually be able to feel it, let alone have his penis stuck between those succulent ass cheeks as she grinded on crotch. His eyes followed the clapping cheeks attached to her butt, the soft latex of her outfit smooshing gently across his shaft, while her bubbly butt bounced up and down onto his pelvis. Was this heaven? Was it hell? Was this supposed to be a punishment? Why was he even here again?

“Can I cum yet?”


“Can I cum yet?”


“Can I cum yet?”


“Can I cum yet?”


“Can I cum yet?”


“Can I cum yet?”


“Can I cum yet?”


“Can I cum yet?”


“Can I cum yet?”


This back and forth was the only thing keeping Peter sane. Keeping his mind from breaking down after being denied orgasm after orgasm.

“Your butt feels nice. The latex really brings out the curves in your booty.”

“Hmph, thank you.”

Yep, they were really bonding right now.

Natasha stopped, resting as she sat down on his crotch, the throbbing penis snuggled between her ass cheeks. It fit perfectly between them, nestling comfortably as it pulsated in peace. She gyrated her hips side-to-side, feeling the cock throb from every sensual motion.

“I think it is time to move on.”





“…Why are you so cruel?!”

No, he was wrong. He was insane. Insanely horny.

Hour 6

‘It looks so comfortable, snuggling between those perfect, succulent, luscious, breasts. Look at him, he looks so happy.’ Peter tiredly raised his head, seeing his cock pulsate from between Natasha’s exposed cleavage. He watched them jiggle and bounce, slowly moving up and down the shaft. Hand, mouth, lips, tongue, butt, now the breasts. Cleavage. Bosom. Boobs. Mammaries. Milkers. Whatever. “Wow, there are so many words for breasts, did you know that?” The exhausted webhead asked, desperate for conversation. For the past two hours, it’d been nothing but husky breathing, saucy stares, and haughty chuckling from the scarlet-haired Russian.

“Hmm?” Natasha had been too busy paying attention to the cock that was snuggled between her tits. “Did you say something?”

“…Never mind.” All he wanted was for this to be over. For Natasha or SHIELD or both to stay out of his love life. “…Can I cum yet?”

“We aren’t doing that again.” Natasha was quick to shut that down. Amusing as it was at first, the joke had run its course. She shifted herself around, putting equal pressure on her knees, and refocused her efforts on squeezing her breasts tighter around the cock. “Be proud of yourself. Any other guy would have buckled underneath the pressure. They would have told me what I wanted to know and that would be the end of it. And them. But you? I underestimated you. You are…vexing. Annoying. A frustrating, irritating, bug-man that I find myself wanting to pull every strand of my hair from my head whenever I am forced to work with you.”

“…Is this an insult or a compliment?”

“Both. For as irking as you can be, you are also strong. Honorable. Just.” Natasha moved a finger to the tip of his erection, fiddling with it as she spoke, while the penis remained nestled between her cleavage. “And your cock is big. Huge. I am confused as to how it does not bulge from that outfit of yours.”

“Costume adjustments over the years. Looooooots of costume adjustments.”

“Mmhmm.” Natasha chuckled. “As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve enjoyed our time together here.”

“You mean you enjoyed subjecting me to rigorous, cruel, unusual punishment because you thought I’d go blabbing confidential SHIELD secrets?”


“…You’re sick. Like really, really sick.”

“Says the man who’s cock is wedged between my bosom. I was about to finish you off and allow yourself the pleasure of ejaculation, but if you do not require such a gift, then-”

“Wait, wait, wait! Now let’s not do anything rash! Alright, I’m sorry, okay? Just please of all that is holy, let me cum already!!! My balls have been the size of baseballs for the past six hours! And I don’t even watch sports!”

Black Widow grinned, tightening the hold that her breasts held around Spider-Man’s erection. This was it. After this, the addictive aroma and taste of this phallus would be gone. No longer would she be able to taste that salivating precum or smell that intoxicating odor that wafted off his penis. She opened her mouth just above the tip, jiggling her tits up and down the shaft, waiting for his ejaculation. “Go ahead. Whenever you are ready. You have earned this.”

‘Never thought I’d win the honor of cumming down Black Widow’s throat. Oh well, stranger things have happened…probably.’ Lust overloading his senses, Peter grabbed the back of Natasha’s head, forcibly shoving his cock inside her mouth, and went to town in fucking her mouth. “I earned this…I earned this…by god, have I earned this!” He muttered over and over, so glad that the sexual torture was over. He’d won. He’d beaten Black Widow at her weird, sick game. Now he could use her breasts and her mouth as a means to get himself off. Was it wrong? Maybe. But what was worse was subjecting someone to this kind of interrogation. If this was a regular SHIELD interrogative tactic, then he was so glad that he was on their good side. At least, for the foreseeable future. Scrunching her red hair between his fingers, Peter reveled in the softness of Natasha’s squishy, doughy breasts, along with the intense warmness of her mouth. “I’m so close! Oh god, here it comes! Oh finally, finally, FINALLYYYYYYYYY!!!!”

Natasha readied herself, lips coiled tightly around Spider-Man’s shaft, as a torrent of cum came shooting into her mouth. She hoped the wallcrawler wasn’t paying deep attention to the expression on her face, eyes crisscrossed, as her cheeks sunk deep to better inhale every drop of semen that came pouring in. ‘This smell, this intoxicating, addicting taste…I need more. Give me more!’ Black Widow bobbed her head wildly, hellbent on sucking out every ounce of sperm from Spider-Man’s balls, as she clenched her spongy tits tightly around his throbbing shaft. She lost track of time in how long she was sucking the spider hero off, moving her head up and down between his legs, while milky strands of cum stained the upper contours of her breasts.

One minute…

Three minutes…



An hour.

One whole hour, all Natasha did was blow him, swallowing every ounce of cum that spurted into her mouth.

“Nat…Nat…Okay, I think I’m tapped. You can stop now.”

But she didn’t. Or rather, she couldn’t. She was hooked. Black Widow, the Russian seductress, was hooked on Spider cum. The spy didn’t stop, couldn’t’ stop, and slurped up every strand of cum she could find, while hailing Spider-Man’s shaft with kiss after kiss. “More…more…give me more. Give it to me.” She spoke in English before her native dialect took over and that was all that could be heard from her.

‘…I’m never getting out of here, am I?’ Peter shook his head, brushing some of the Russian’s red hair out of her face, as he watched the spy debase herself. He noticed a phone hanging from her belt, quickly shooting a web onto it, and pulled it towards him while Natasha was distracted. ‘Felicia deserves a call. I don’t even know how long I’ve been stuck down here. Heck, I don’t even get to see what was on that paper.’ The paper itself was still in his hand, never once letting it go, and uncrumpled it as he rapidly texted Felicia with his other hand. All the ridges made it tough to decipher but that one aviary elective he took back in middle school won out inside his head, recognizing the wings and colors that pertained to a normal mockingbird. “Mockingbird…why is there a picture of a…” Then something clicked inside his head. Natasha said another SHIELD operative gave her the paper, so that meant that at least one other person knew what was going to happen to him. “…Oh Bobbi Morse, you conniving little…”

The phone in his hand vibrated. Felicia responded.

A cat laughing emoji. Yeah, that was the apt response after telling somebody that you were just subjected to hours of sexual torture.

[Don’t forget the Chinese Food.]

Peter’s stomach grumbled after reading that. Yep, cumming down a Russian’s throat did in fact work up a mighty appetite.



Thank you for another great chapter of the story that I found, follow, and reread for interactions and canon mentions.