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Commission for blackie94 

"Slowly a snake crept up to her unsuspecting prey. Only when it was already too late did the wolf notice the reptile that was towering above him. As if frozen, he dropped his weapon, the metal sound echoing in the narrow alley. She grabbed the wolf by the collar and bared her teeth. Her eyes cold as ice as she threatened to ram her poison-soaked fangs into his throat. He nearly went pale with fear. “Wait! Wait!”, the wolf cried. “You better tell me exactly what I want to know or you'll die a painful death”, the black snake hissed sharply. “Where can I find the rest of your gang!?”, she yelled at him as she lifted him up by the throat with one hand. The wolf coughed and gasped for air. He wriggled like a fish on a hook. Desperately he tried to free himself, without success. The intimidation worked, but not like she intended. Her eyes narrowed menacingly, her patience slowly ran out. “Spit it out already!” He still wouldn't talk. “You asked for it, die you asshole.” He felt her grip getting tighter and tighter. Every second seemed like an eternity to him. Still trying to get him to talk in secret, the wolf was already losing consciousness when a sudden shot made the snake drop him. “So you're the black Mamba that's been causing us so much trouble, Alizea Skaal.” A group of four thugs had turned up looking for trouble.” A possum with a scar over his eye played with his revolver, apparently the leader of the four, spoke to Alizea. “The boss has put a pretty penny on your head. He doesn't care if you are delivered alive or dead. And now you will pay for what you did to us.” He aimed his gun at her.

Alizea only laughed scornfully. “You really think your toy intimidates me? One false move and this whole thing will get very ugly.” At the same moment she noticed the wolf grabbing the uzi lying next to him. His eyes spoke volumes, the fun was over, if she did not react quickly now, it could end badly. “Die, bitch!” With his finger on the trigger he unleashed his first couple shots, but before the shots had reached her she had jumped for cover behind a dumpster. “Hiding won't get you anywhere snake!”, roared the wolf in rage. Behind the dumpster there was a faint glow, which became stronger and stronger. Slowly Alizea rose, her tattoo glowing blood red. But not only her tattoo had changed, but also her eyes. The cool blue had become a threatening red. “Who said I was hiding?”, she laughed, “tell you what, let's have some fun. Catch!” No sooner said than done, she had already kicked the dumpster. The kick had enough force that the dumpster flew towards the wolf. “No!!” His fearful cry didn’t help. The container seized him with full force. The wall behind him had not been able to withstand that much force, container including the wolf broke through.

“Shit! What just happened?!” When they noticed what had happened to their gang member, panic slowly broke out in the group. The second wolf was close to tears. “You're dead! That was my brother, you bitch!” Overcome by grief and anger, he ran towards Alizea and attacked. She grabbed his arm in the middle of his stroke, abruptly stopping his desperate attempt. As if it was nothing, she lifted him up and smashed him onto the roof of the car next to her. Both wolves did not move anymore, lying in a puddle of their own blood. The remaining 3 had fear written all over their faces. “What. . . What are you?”, asked the possum, his finger trembled on the trigger. Alizea shrugged her shoulders. “Me? No one special. I just enjoy tearing your pathetic little crew apart.” Tired of hearing that, the possum shot, but the snake had already disappeared. In the next second Alizea grabbed his face and smashed him against the wall. Beside the impact a loud crack could be heard. The possum slumped down, blood dripping from his mouth.
Stunned, cheetah and bear stood there. Three members of their team had been taken out in just a few seconds. The bear jumped at her from behind, but before he could react, she hit him with her tail in his face. The blow to the tail was intense, he was down immediately. The cheetah was about to turn and run away, but Liz swept him off his feet. While he was still falling, she buried her fist deep in his stomach. He was smashed to the ground without mercy.

Triumphantly the snake laid her foot on the fallen cat, grinding her sole into his motionless flesh. "Pathetic." For a moment she enjoyed her victory. She cracked her bloodstained knuckles as her eyes wandered to her next victim." (с) blackie94 



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