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One drink, & you were ordering every scrap of food Sadie had stocked in the bar.

It was fascinating, seeing you devour it all. And…seeing you get bigger & bigger.

How did it feel, stuffing yourself until your belly was wider & larger than a blimp?

Oh wait. You probably don’t remember any of it.~

You still look confused. Well… *licks lips* allow me to explain.

Sadie’s drinks have a certain…effect…on those with a tendency to be prey.

I had you pegged the moment you walked in.

Sadie’s bar is meant for preds like us to catch prey like you. We just pay her a…finder’s fee for maintaining her little honeyed trap.

And now that my prey has fattened itself up…

*licks lips*

…I think it’s time I had a taste.~

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