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On his birthday, Asmodeus notices you seem off. So, he takes it on himself to comfort you…intimately!

Happy birthday Asmo!

Art in the video on YouTube is by @LaundryMaggots

LaundryMaggots' Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaundryMaggots

Transcript below!

Thank you for the birthday party. It was soooooooo fun!

Knowing you planned it instead of my brothers made it so special.

I’m really glad. You did such a good job with the party.

Seriously, thank you.


…there’s something troubling you, isn’t there?

I saw the look on your face during the party. Something’s wrong, isn’t it.

Is it something in the Human Realm? Something there is making you anxious?

I knew it.

I love you, so much. And you’re the last person I want troubled in any way.

It may be my birthday…

…but the gift I want most…

…is the gift of loving you.

The gift of comforting you.

The gift of being there for you.

Will you let me…

…give you that gift?

[end of Early Preview that I wanted to get out for his birthday & the rest out later that week]

Good. Because…I want to give it to you, so desperately.

Now, let me…

…kiss you.

*SFX: Asmodeus kissing you.*


I hope this is helping.

Does that…take the worry away, at least a little?

*soft giggle*

Good. I’m so glad.

Do you…want more?

I can make love to you so gently that your worries will just melt away.

Or I can fuck you so senselessly that you won’t even be able to remember what’s troubling you.

Both are fine with me. I want what makes you happy.

But I have a feeling…

…you want it gentle.


Ok. I can be gentle.

Take my hand. Let’s go to my bed, ok?

*SFX: Taking your hand, walking over to the bed.*


Now, let me do things to you gently.

First, I’ll lie you down.

*SFX: Asmodeus lying you down on the bed*


*soft laugh*

Lying down, all ready for me…

…ready for me to love you.

Let’s get those clothes off so I can do that.


*SFX: Asmodeus taking your clothes off.*

There. All exposed.

Don’t be shy. You look wonderful like this.

And now, I can make your troubles melt into my loving arms.

*SFX: Asmodeus kissing your chest.*

There’s a kiss for your exposed chest.

The first of many I’ll be giving you, I’m sure.

Close those eyes and relax. I’m going to love you. I’m going to show you that, when you’re with me, you don’t have to worry anymore.

That’s right. Close them. Relax for me.

*SFX: Asmodeus kissing you twice*

Good. You’re so good.

A few more kisses for my good little human…

*SFX: Asmodeus kissing you on the chest a few more tim es*

Relax. Surrender your care to me…

…& I will give you everything.

Let me kiss you a little lower, ok?

*SFX: Asmodeus kissing your chest, then your stomach, then…*

I’ve never seen what you have between your legs before.

Humans have such cute little parts there.

Do you mind if I…

…took care of you there too?


Ok. I will.

Don’t worry, darling. I told you, I’ll make your troubles melt into my loving embrace.

My loving lips, given what they’ll be doing down there. *giggle*

Now, let me show you my love.

*SFX: Asmodeus kissing you down there, over & over*

You feel nice there, you know that?


I can hear your little gasps. You like this, don’t you?

*SFX: Kisses*

There. I’ll stop for now.

I’ve shown you so much of my love. I hope it’s helped you relax.

I’ll show you more soon. Just let me examine this exposed body of yours…

…& see what part of you I can love next.



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