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See, this is the graphic I was gonna use that I threw together while this was uploading.but some of the girls decided to get their tits out, and I don't wanna get banned, so can't have the public seeing this of course.


0.22 has been updated to 0.22.01, which includes fixes for various things, and also applies the sprite crunch to Riley's morning scenes, saving about 400mb. The new scripts.rar below contains a scripts.rpa file which should basically upgrade 0.22 to 0.22.01, but because of the sprite crunch, I'm not 100% sure if it'll work properly. (It should, but I haven't had time to test every part of it.)

If you've already played the update, don't bother upgrading or downloading this update, as it won't be the last one that comes out in the next few weeks, but if you haven't played yet, this version should work fine. (However, if you download one of these 0.22.01 versions, and load a save during one of Riley's possible morning scenes, you may get just a face loading in or something. Just roll back or forward until you get a full render, and that should solve it. It's just the nature of how the sprite conversion works.)

Go here instead for links 

Patch 0.22 to 0.22.01 (Drop the scripts.rpa file in this rar into your game folder, replacing the existing scripts.rpa file.)


And as promised, if you want to compare the differences between this release, and what almost got released at the end of August...

Windows, clapped edition

Now, if you're the kinda person who leaks things, I can't do much about that, so fine, but at very least don't leak this clapped version as if it were the real one. By all means, get the clap if you really want, but have a heart. :)




Golf Clap version it is. :-)


Loved the update, abslolutley worth the wait. If I had a single note, it's to ask you not to work yourself to death creating so many branches, we still need you to finish the game 😂


Thanks for the kind words. It'll be finished at some point, though not for a while. Probably a few years, even though I'm planning more frequent releases after this one. Ain't no way I'm spending 6 months on one update again xD, pure pain.