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So 0.21 has been out for the public for a few days now, and generally speaking, feedback has been good. However, one thing that have been raised quite a bit is that a lot of people were getting confused by the navigation in the ghost hunt, so I'm currently working on a little patch that should help with that, due for release either tomorrow, or some time during the weekend. Sadly I can't totally solve the problem without essentially redoing it, and that'll take a while, so instead I'll but patching it up a bit, and then moving back to focus on new content instead.

As such, the changes aren't gonna be massive, even though I do plan to add some new objectives, so if you've already played the ghost hunt, it's probably not worth going back to play it again after the patch. This is mostly a change for new people. Trying to put my best foot forward, first impressions and all that.

Anyway, I'll list a couple of the planned changes below in case you guys are interested, but if not, I'll be doing a proper development update some time next week to talk about plans for the next content update, so stay tuned for that if it interests you.

In the meantime, thanks for your continued support. It's still nuts to me that people support a thing that I made (Or am making). Thanks much, and have a good weekend.

Planned ghost hunt changes...

  • MC will be drawing a map on the 3rd page of his notebook, to keep track of where he's already been, and where he currently is. It starts off almost blank, and gets added to each time you go to a new area. (So it's not as if you start off with a full map of the place, but you can potentially have one by the end if you explore everywhere.)
  • New steps in the process of finding out where the ghost is. (Reduces the chance that someone will accidentally complete the whole section in under 2 minutes, which is technically possible right now.)
  • Possibly a couple of new jumpscares, but this is last on the list, and I'll only do it if I have time.
  • Making the arrows at the side of the screen visible if they're an option even if you don't mouse over them. (Though of course, they are mostly transparent when you're not moused over). This is just to make it more obvious when you have the option to navigate using those buttons. Turns out a lot of people were having trouble with that.

Planned other changes...

  • A toggleable "Scene hint" feature, which causes a hint to be displayed when you hover your mouse over a scene in the gallery, to tell you roughly how to get it. I haven't decided how specific it's gonna be, but a lot of people were frustrated by not really knowing how to unlock scenes, and the FOMO kicked in. Since some choices now can affect future scenes as well, this should help people to at least make their choices from a more informed position. (The idea in this game is to make the choice that feels right, and see where it takes you, rather than making choices based on what scenes you want to see, but a lot of people play it like that, so this feature is for them.)
  • Typo fixes, because of course.
  • A few other bug fixes.
  • If I have time, a change to the profile screen which adds some kind of relationship status indicator, to tell you if you're technically in a relationship with a character, and what the nature of that relationship is. (I.E, BF/GF, SUB/DOM, FwB, etc)
  • Probably some other minor things that I forgot.


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