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Development update #7 (About whatever I call the update after 0.2)

  • Just release things when they feel ready. 13
  • Focus on smaller but more frequent updates. 3
  • Focus on longer but less frequent updates. 1
  • 2022-11-11
  • 17 votes
{'title': 'Development update #7 (About whatever I call the update after 0.2)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Just release things when they feel ready.', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Focus on smaller but more frequent updates.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Focus on longer but less frequent updates.', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 11, 8, 33, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 17}


Right, 0.2 is released, nice. So what's next?

Most likely 0.21, and it's planned to include the events of the weekend. If you've played v0.2 then you should have some idea of what those events are, but there's also one more big scene I gotta get done which hasn't been mentioned yet in game, and kinda kickstarts one of the characters stories. If you're looking for an actual status update, Hikari's shopping scene is almost done, but other than that, I've got  a bunch to do :D No current ETA, but I'm definitely shooting for before Christmas.

I'm aware the game is a bit of a slow burn at the moment kinda. Worry not, characters actually getting fucked is definitely coming, it just doesn't make sense in their stories right now. (Except for Cassie, but I've got plans for various ways that her first time can go down depending on your choices. It's on it's way.)

As for how releases will work in future, I've determined that for actual patron growth I think I'll need to adopt a model where every update does get released publicly, but patrons get earlier access. Hopefully that's not a dealbreaker for anyone, but I understand if it is.

I'm also thinking about doing smaller but more frequent updates. At least for now. Once the game starts to properly branch, I'll have to go to longer less frequent updates (Such as 0.2) simply because creating all the content for the different paths would mean that a player going down one path would be getting like a 5 minute update, and that's just shit.

That said, I wondered if existing patrons had an opinion on it, so I've made this poll.

I might also be making a new support tier soon, but more on that in a future post. If you're mostly interested in just getting early access to the latest build then don't worry about that. The time each tier gets access to the latest update won't be changing even if higher tiers are created. Just that the higher tiers will get access too.

Also, thanks for joining the discord to those that have. It's been pretty fun talking to people about the game, and whatever else really. Anyway, have a good weekend everyone ;)

(PS, sorry about breaking some saves. Duuuude I was so mad when I realised what had happened.)



I'm a new patron but "experienced" since I support many different developers. And in my opinion it's always best to let the developer go at his/her own pace. I gain nothing from you trying to push out many small updates when it is exhausting for you, and bigger updates can take so long that it might put people off. So I believe doing it on a case by case basis makes the most sense.


That's fair enough. This poll is mostly to see what people wanted, but what I actually do may differ. I think for now I'll be keeping things the same aside from all releases becoming public releases (After patrons get early access of course), since relying on people pirating a game just to try it properly is a bit silly. Welcome btw, saw the review you posted on f95. Very kind words. Hope you like what's to come