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Lmao so despite my testing coming back without issues, it seems there is a significant problem using old saves in 0.2

For anyone interested here's what the issue is.

The whole game runs out of a script file which basically tells it what order to call scenes in. Once a scene is done, it's told to return to the script file, which will then move on and call the next scene. When a scene is called, a return point is created to tell the scene where to return to when it's eventually told to return.

Basically, after a really weird Ren'Py issue which meant the game wouldn't even run for like 5 hours, I had to delete and then recreate that script file to fix the issue, which worked, but it also seems to have broken all the return points, so scenes no longer return to the script file to continue the game. 

Very annoying, but nothing I can really do to fix that issue now, so instead I've put in a workaround. Now all the scenes will jump straight to the next scene without going back to the script file. This won't fix every save, but most of them should now work. Whether it fixes the issue depends on exactly when the save was made.

So yeah, that's what the problem is. Sorry guys. Worth noting that starting a new game completely solves this problem, so if you think you have time to just hold the skip button and make the same choices again, that's what I'd suggest. If not, you should be completely fine once you actually get into the 0.2 update. (You'll know when it says you're in day 6)

If you've already started a new game, or managed to get into the 0.2 content already, there's no reason for you to download this version. If you're on discord, feel free to reach out if none of your saves are working. I might be able to fix them with the console if you send them to me.





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