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DL Links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/stormside-v0-12-69775328

Well I think we can all agree that took entirely too long lol. The heat, having to get a new job and a family member unfortunately being quite ill at the moment kinda slowed things down, but here we are. 

As stated before, this release will go to the Professor Tier patrons first, and then the students a week later. The actual download links will be in a seperate post shortly after this one which will be unlocked for tiers at the appropriate times. (You'll still get notifications about it when it's unlocked)

I've made this a seperate post so I can explain the update a bit. I want all patrons to have access to the changelog at least even if they don't yet have access to the download link, and that's how I plan to do it going forward. With that said, here's a scuffed changelog.

Stuff added:

6 Onion pics to find

2 H scenes (In future there'll be more per release I think now that all the characters have been introduced in some way.)

Maybe 1-2 hours of content depending on how fast you read and the choices you make. Also, at long last, the introduction of all the main girls in some capacity. You should get at least an idea of what they're generally like from this update. Actually diving into their stories will come in future updates. (And I can't wait tbh :D)

A dialogue box opacity slider in the options menu.

A togglable option to have an audio cue played when an onion appears or disappears from the screen. (For those that want the pics, but don't feel like scanning every frame of the game in case there's an onion. It's off by default, but there's no penalty for turning it on.)

Re-did how the character descriptions thing works. Now it's not so much like the back of a DVD, and more like the main character making notes on characters as you progress. The notes are different depending on what happens.

Messed with a bunch of back end stuff which will be used in the next update. Not even really sure why I've mentioned it now, but yeah, some time went into changing all that and trying to make sure it didn't break peoples saves.

Bugs fixed:

Kellin dancing on the stormside website should no longer cause flashing screens for some people.

(There were other bugfixes too, but I completely forgot. I usually just fix and forget. My bad lol)

Errrr section:

So because I had to change a bunch of stuff to do with variables on the back end of things due to the character description changes, as well as the stuff for the next update, this update might be a bit buggy. I spent a whole bunch of time trying to minimise this as much as possible, and as far as I can tell it's actually very stable, but if you get bugs, please let me know. One of my focuses is making sure people don't have to make a new save for every version, but if there's one version that's gonna break saves, it's this one. That being said, I think previous saves should work fine. If you get errors, please send them my way and I'll send you some console commands to fix it or something. (And then fix the bug for the next version hopefully.)

Anyway, thank you for your continued support, and I hope you all like this update :D



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