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Every once in a while I try to write a homestuck parody and I can never do it. There's something about homestuck that just makes it impossible to parody. These are sketches from a karkat cartoon I was thinking about a few months ago that was abandoned for being not even remotely funny.




You could just make one that's like the zim cartoon you did.


Hey Max hope your move into your new house (apartment) is good, I found the move relevant because its homestuck and homes hahaaa you get the joke. But what im writing about I guess is how you shouldn't abandon the Homestuck idea in itself. Ill try to keep this short but that wont happen. Its gonna be about as long as one of karkats memos or one of kankris speeches. with terrible punctuation so have fun! Why shouldn't you give up? Well I actually got really into Homestuck because of you it pretty much happened because on the same day Swag.mov was released I got to this part in Homestuck <a href="http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=004748" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=004748</a> I felt the cut scene and your animation worked so well with each other. I still had the high or rush from Swag.mov. I was so hyped for the animation so when it finally came out I about died from excitement. I felt it synced up because the rainbows and sea horses obviously and towards the end it just became like Apple.mov. I also saw the Easter egg with all the beta kids as ponies that made me scream (not really) haha. So anyways enough about ponies it just got to me and I couldn't put the book down after that. What I was thinking is try to get in touch with Octopimp I like his voices and Im pretty sure he is doing stuff or did stuff at Nickelodeon. If Im not mistaken you flew all the way out to nick to do something with the company at one point. So you two might have something in common. Sorry this is so long but Im gonna geek out more. I wrote my animal crossing story because I saw a tumblr post of him stating he was working at nick. I was like cool then I thought about the animation you made right after you got back it was the northern incident and the two ideas just clicked kinda like the two jujus did. To form something awesome after you work at nick the furries will get you. This was before I was a patreon member. So I didnt see all your work on animal crossing. Yeah but Why should you contact him probably cause he has some pretty cool ideas for comics or an animation. He pretty much just voiced characters and just used other peoples comics but im sure he has ideas. Thats where you could come in! So yeah and on the side note I think he also worked or works near Arin who could voice act with him if hes into Homestuck which I doubt because theirs a lot of dweebs at conventions that could annoy him I mean there not all bad, but yeah you could probably pull a lot more people into the fandom like you did to the mlp community but back to Arin he probably doesn't read because hes busy recording gamegrumps but idk everyone's career schedule and choices... Yeah so to wrap all this crap up Homestuck is finally updating so maybe you could get some inspiration from that. Anyhow thanks for reading if you did, and a suggestion or my creative input for the cartoon maybe karkats insomnia of his constant pestering from his teammates would be funny. So yeah thanks.