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An FLA of a short Sonic thing I animated for twitter. Enjoy!




Whoa cool :0

Whack Zack

Wait so...okay so did Adobe replace flash with something else? Or is flash "free" since it's not being supported by anyone anymore?


Its the same program, they just changed the named. Used to be Adobe Flash, now it's Adobe Animate

Whack Zack

Ahh, thanks for the clarification. Maybe not obvious enough but I rarely get to come out from under my rock and I have fallen so far behind when it comes to the whole adobe bs-ery. Really miss the old "buy it once and you can use that version for as long as the computer works, disk works, or whatever else allows" instead of the modern subscription based methods everyone seems to have. I know gimp and blender are the best of the free alternatives but I was taught on the photoshop (light illustrator stuff) and 3ds max programs respectively. Even just the "personal use" price tags some programs have just makes me frustrated at the legitimate barriers of entry modern digital art has. ...Apologies for the rant I just needed to get that out. Thank you for the years of entertainment and joy. I can't thank you enough for helping to bring a smile to my face everytime I think of your hard work.