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Alright kiddies, good news and bad news. Bad news: my patreon is once again charging you guys monthly. Why? Because...

(And here's the good news): ANOTHER BATCH OF BRAIN DUMP EPISODES? WHAT? How is that even possible? Is this real life? Well, here's the deal. 

2017 was a pretty bad year for me. I'm still trying to play catch up. Things are slightly picking up in 2018 so far. Fortunately, my personal life is now in a place again where I have enough free time to return to working on Brain Dump. I have a lot of ideas for it and I think you'll like the direction its going in! That being said, I need to make MORE DAMN MONEY because even though making Brain Dump is a lot of fun, it isn't as financially lucrative as I need it to be to keep my head above water. 

I thought about locking the second batch of Brain Dump behind meeting a certain pledge goal, but I've decided against it. Why? Because I feel like it would be dishonest; this new batch is happening whether monthly pledges increase or not. I wanna be fully transparent with my Patreon and how I treat you guys. 

So new Brain Dump is happening. 100% locked in. This is real. It's up to YOU guys to determine how much I do or don't regret this decision financially in the long run! ...that probably sounded a little more manipulative than I intended, but you get the idea. 

If you've never pledged before, now would be a great time to start, and now would be the time when I would appreciate it the most! If you want to increase your pledge, I'm super appreciative of that as well! And if you can't afford it or just don't want to, I STILL appreciate you for liking my videos!

SO SO SO much love and posi vibes to you guys for supporting me over the years. It's crazy humbling. I'll try not to let you down as best I can. If all goes according to plan, the first ep of batch 2 of Brain Dump should drop in a few weeks!

Alright, take it easy kids! Goofball and Burnbot say hi! 

~Max G




New patron and big-time fan here! I discovered you with the PONY.MOV series, and I've watched all your videos on YouTube since then. I'm very glad to help you produce something you truly love to do, and I'm excited to see what season 2 has to bring! P.S. I loved the Joker anaysis and PPG Comparison videos. Funny as hell!

Michael House

Dude, this is great news. I've been needing more brain dump in my life, and you're the only guy I want dumping on my brain.