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You all know that I speak very badly in English :D In Italian I'm a little more elegant and ironic, but in the translation it becomes stupid and macaronic, when there are no real spelling errors!

So here are some possible alternatives ... Please help me decide :)

1) COLLABORATE with an American friend, to whom to send the static draft first, wait for the corrections, make them, do the animations and then publish on patreon and on the desaxxx site.

2) PUBLISH the static draft with the text of each work on patreon, wait for your corrections, run the animations with the correct text and REPLACE the drafts with the finished animated panel on patreon and on the desaxxx site.

3) I make the animated panels ONLY in ITALIAN.

4) I CONTINUE like this, then in my work the texts are not fundamental.

1000 TKS ;) desaxxx



Your English is great ... for a German 😆


Thank you Felix, you are a very friend! 😁❤


:) :) and italian "strafalcions" (blunders!) 😂😂😂😘

David Haas

You know I will help Americanize your Google Translate English. I have let some mistakes pass because I did not want to overstep. But I am here to help if you need me. Sai che ti aiuterò ad americanizzare il tuo inglese di Google Translate. Ho lasciato passare alcuni errori perché non volevo oltrepassare. Ma sono qui per aiutarti se hai bisogno di me.

Thomas Hernandez

I mainly see you mixing he/she and his/her. Sometimes you use a word like "morbid" when I think you mean "rabid" for extreme attraction/fascination.


I missed the poll but I would've chosen 4. So what, there are a few mistakes. They never distract from your HOT HOT work or bother me.