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I have become much slower at work since I started 3 years ago to now, 

almost obsessive in drawing and looking for movements that are ever closer to reality... 

I apologize to you, my beloved supporters,  between a family or work commitment seems that I produce much less... In reality I always dedicate the same time, but to get the results that I aim for in the last animated panels, I need more and more time.

Slower but definitely with better results :)

I remind you that the best view of my stories is on a large screen, possibly from the desaxxx.com site and focusing on the details :)

1000 Thank you for your patience and for the friendship and support you have dedicated to me for years. 

I'm a lucky "desaxxx" :)


Francis Xavier

Dear Desaxxx, we will always wait for your new drawings with bated breath. The pleasure and amusement you have given us is priceless!