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Hello to all my beloved patreons, I am experiencing a complicated moment between family and work, I do not go into the details so as not to bore you ... From this w.end I resume drawing my stories and I ask you for a few more days of patience :) 1000 thank you. desaxxx


Francis Xavier

Desaxxx I am sorry you are experiencing some problems. Please take care of yourself. Sometimes we must tend to the business at hand in order to go forward. We actually your fans will always be here waiting for

Francis Xavier

Sorry I wasn’t finishing editing my message, We as fans will always be here waiting for your new works. Much love to you and your welfare. 😘💐🌺


many many many thanks Francis and also to all the others :) TKS :)

Francis Xavier

We are here for you and gladly waiting to see more images and stories. To wait for the best is not a hard task. We love you my friend.