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David Haas

Deesaxxx Its probably too late to correct, but this panel would sound better if you wrote " After finishing his diplomatic mandate, Gerard bought a riad and settled in his beloved Marrakech, where he was welcomed by all the Arab nations!"

David Haas

Deesaxxx Probabilmente è troppo tardi per correggere, ma questo pannello suonerebbe meglio se scrivessi " After finishing his diplomatic mandate, Gerard bought a riad and settled in his beloved Marrakech, where he was welcomed by all the Arab nations!"


molte grazie carissimo David... si, purtroppo è troppo tardi per modificare l'intero testo :( dovrei modificarlo anche sul sito esterno... vedrò se riesco a farlo ...1 grande abbraccio

Thomas Hernandez

The blonde's nipples are beautiful.

David Haas

Its a type of home in Arab countries with an interior garden courtyard.