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Hi friends and THANK YOU VERY MUCH for supporting me even in these difficult months and in which I have not been able to work with the constancy that I would have liked :) 

You fill me with PRIDE :) All next week, until August 1st, I will be on vacation .. A little bit of sea for my lungs that still struggle to recover ... 

Do not worry about not finding new animations and, please, wait for the continuation of my stories :)

1 big hug to you all. Your desaxxx



have a great vacation and get your lungs filled with a good sea breeze

David Haas

Enjoy your vacation, My Dear Desaxxx .... a visit to the seashore and filling your lungs with the salty sea breeze is one of my favorite vacations .... Have a wonderful time, and come back healthy and refreshed.

S Munson

Have a rehabilitating vacation and we'll see you when you come back!