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I apologize to all my "patreon" friends, 

I have been without internet connection for a few days and I have not been able to send my wishes for a happy Christmas ;( 

I hope to recover with these panels of "GAY RUGBY League" ... 

So I advance, wishing everyone a good end of 2019 and a wonderful new year :) 




Best wishes for the new year, dear Desaxxx! And thank you again for all your great stories! 🤗

David Haas

Dearest Desaxxx ..... buon Natale e Felice Anno nuovo . Maggio 2020 sia tutto ciò che desideri che sia! ( I hope the Italian is correct, I used Google Translate)


Grazie David, it is quite correct ... "Maggio" means the month of May, but I understand the meaning :) I think it's an Italian similar to my macaronic English! :)


Thanks to you my dear Felix, for your support and your sympathy :)