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Hello to all my dear patreons. I'm writing to apologize, in the last few months I have worked hard for you, publishing two or three new works every day. So I guess you're wondering why I've not been publishing anything new for 3 days? Unfortunately my PC has taken a virus and is being repaired for a few days!!! I hope the shortest time possible. As soon as he returns, I promise to make up for lost time! Thanks for understanding. I embrace you all. desaxxx



You're one of the most diligent illustrators I patronize. It comes across that you really love your own work (as much as we do ๐Ÿคค). Sorry to hear about your computer. In any case, you absolutely deserve a few days off! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ˜


Thank you very much ๐Ÿ˜˜


You have been cranking out your work like crazy. I now have some time to spend going back and enjoying some of your work that I have really enjoyed. There's a lot to look at.