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Hello everyone, I'm really very proud of my work in recent months ;-) 

and I thank all of you because you allow me to do it with your support ;-) 

Thank you with all my heart, I always wait  your comments and suggestions. 

I embrace you all. Desaxxx



Bravo!! Desaxxx! I too am proud of you recent work! Just keeps getting better and better! I honestly think you are at the level of Tom f Finland in the way you perfectly capture masculine sensuality in the tiniest details!! Keep it up!


My dear Kouros, thank you ;-) I am aware that I am still far from Tom of Finland and Julius, but I see improvements in my work and I think they will continue. I have many ideas for new characters and soon I will try to use new styles of drawing ;-) a big hug.

David Haas

Desaxxx .... I agree with Kouros. You have a wonderful sensuous way of illustrating the masculine image that is also fun and exciting. I would not compare it to Tom of Finland, his work is his own and your work is equally independent and your own. I also appreciate your attempt to make the story bubbles you write in English make sense. English is not an easy language, and while sometimes your English is a bit off, you always can follow the story. Besides, I am sure many of your patrons are just looking at the pictures ..lolol


thank you very much David for the message ;-) In English, do I write errors? merde! I speak very bad English and I apologize ;-( If you or someone else want to help me with the lyrics it's just welcome ;-)

David Haas

Sometimes it seems you are using Google Translate from Italian to English and it does not always translate like it should. I was a teacher for 40 years before I retired, so the errors kind of jump at me. But your English is very good .... I would not worry . Example .... in your message to me you used the word "lyrics". Lyrics are word used in a song, not in text. In text you would use the the word "words" or translation ... "If someone wants to help me with the translation, I welcome you." If you do not mind me occasionally suggesting different word phrases that sound better in English, I would be willing to help you.