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Hello All!

Ick, I have the ick guys, what are they dooooing??? Cordy, get your butt back to the hotel and speak to your friends damnit, that's an order! Poor Fred, she was completely betrayed by her teacher in a big way! Charles made a decision in that moment and I worry that will be very heavy on their relationship & more importantly Gun's mental. 

Hope you enjoy the reaction folks. Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Brian D | Butterfleaz | Chris Ma | Chris Mi | Clint F

David G | Lord David S | Dexter | Johann L | Johnny | Joshua B

Keith M | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Pnut | Pentaholic |

PongPong31 | Stormy River | William L

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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Christ I hate Connor. I've probably done 5 or 6 full re-watches of Buffy in my life, 2 or 3 of Angel, excluding season 4 which I've never made it through a single time aside from initial viewing and it's solely because from the moment he comes back grown up at the end of S3 I just can't stand the annoying little whiny shitebag.


I feel bad for him... I cant help it. Maybe it's the dad in me. Kid never got a chance for 17 years... lied to by everyone he met. Couldn't trust a single person. Man, I'd be a whiny shitbag too, but at least its earned.


Sorry for being so late in commenting. Life's been interesting, so I've gotten way behind in 2at8ng your reactions. Anyway. This episode had me a bit frustrated with 5hr writers fug both Angel, and Buffy. 2hwt happens with couples on these shows is so sad. Thete always seem to be so many issues that are thrown at them. Don't the writers like couples to he happy and stable? Ugh!