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Hello All!

Well...I watched it guys. I didn't feel an overwhelming sigh of relief sadly but I did get through it. I'm not fond of seeing Willow this way, I wanna see her with confidence but not dead behind the eyes. Glad Warren is no more but HOLY what a way to go. Poor Dawn suffering another loss so young. I just dunno where this is gonna go now...

Hope you enjoy the reaction folks. Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Brian D | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | David G | Lord David S | Dexter |  Johann L | Johnny | Joshua B | Liam B | Keith M | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Nathan W | Pnut | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Stormy River | William L

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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Everyone has done a great job in all the comments, so I won't rehash any of it, but I want to reiterate what Cameron Hayes pointed out in that throughout this season Dark Willow was hinted at. In fact, I remarked about it in each episode when it happened and if I remember correctly there were 8 episodes total. However, the first hint to me was in 5x19 when Tara got attacked and I commented, ''It hurt when Tara got attacked, but I loved Wil seeing red and becoming Dark Willow.'' The comments on Buffy this season and that ep in 5, plus that one comment on Cobra Kai, are the only times I'm doing any of the subliminal stuff, I promise. ✋ Sorry that you haven't been enjoying these last two, but it's completely understandable. And don't ever feel you need to please your audience by not reacting honestly. We're here for your reaction, not ours. Thanks Dak.


The part that has always particularly bothered me about Tara’s death is that the plot line moves on from it so quickly. In comparison - in S5, Joyce’s death at the end of “I was made to love you”, parallels pretty well with Tara’s death at the end of “Seeing Red”. But in Joyce’s case, we then get all of “The Body” to deal with the immediate aftermath of her death, and then “Forever” to explore the grieving process for the other characters. But in S6, after Tara dies we are plunged immediately into the action of Buffy nearly dying and then Willow’s vengeance mission. So, aside from Dawn, mostly off-camera, we see none of these characters allowed to properly grieve for Tara in the aftermath of her death. I don’t really think the plot needed another Buffy near-death experience at this point. If I was doing a rewrite, I would have had Warren miss shooting Buffy completely, and Xander and Buffy find out about Tara immediately, so that the focus of the episode could have been solely about Tara’s death and what it does to Willow. Just a bit of a pause in the action to offer some respect to a beloved character and perspective about what it means for the others - particularly Willow - to lose her. I kind of think it could have been an interesting thing to watch Willow try to use magic immediately, the magic fail to bring Tara back, and then have her forced to go through the motions and do the expected things like plan and attend a funeral, but then afterward to deliberately choose to go back to the magic as a means of taking revenge on Warren. It would add a layer of complexity to me if it wasn’t something that happened immediately due to her trauma and rage. She could have gone down the same path on purpose rather than being pushed over the edge of the cliff in the moment of Tara’s death. I think it would have been even more disturbing and conflicting to watch that scene in the woods if Willow had thought through, planned and made the conscious choice to do what she did, even after she had had some time to process a bit, or to consider what Tara might have wanted her to do - namely, not to start abusing magic again. Don’t worry at all that these last two episodes have been tough to enjoy - this part of Season 6 is sort of the dark night of the soul for BTVS fans, and it was like that for all of us the first time we watched these episodes. Always appreciate how thoughtfully you discuss the episodes, even when they’re not the most fun to watch.