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Hello All!

I can't even!! My heart is heavy, the tears are real & my prayers are strong! Lets hope Miguel is A Okay! The fight sequence in this was well done imo, must have taken a lot of work to choreograph that. I feel for Jonny so much now because he's taking the brunt of everyone's anger & upset. Robbie definitely made a mistake here, I just pray he's gonna have people that support him through this too & of course I want nothing but health & happiness for Miguel & his family. Kreese stealing the Dojo was just the cherry on Jonny's shitty cake. I NEED to watch S3!! 

Hope you enjoy the reaction folks. Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Brian D | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | David G | Lord David S | Dexter |  Johann L | Johnny | Joshua B | Keith M | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Pnut | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Stormy River | William L | William S

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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Raven Dark

In addition to the comment already made about Amanda, I think the reason she said that is also because there are so many kids who are using Karate for the wrong reasons (mostly from Cobra Kai, but also Sam to a certain extent because she doesn't walk away when she should) that Amanda feels like just not having Karate around at all will solve the problem. I also think Sam sees what she did to Tory as being different from what Robby did to Miguel. It looked to me like Sam was just trying to get Tory away from her and stop her from attacking, where from Sam's vantage point, it would have looked like Robby kicked Miguel over the railing on purpose. Also, because Tory is fine and Miguel is seriously hurt, Sam's instinct is going to be to see what Robby did as so much worse. Fabulous reaction, Dak. These are the highlight of my week. Can't wait for season 3!


''That I didn't see coming.'' We did! Finally, the episode everyone was waiting for to see your reaction to the fight. I bet when you put up 1x01 the first thing that came to mind for the viewers was ''2x10, 2x10, 2x10''. One of the best fights ever in television and movies, in my opinion. My favorite had always been the eight minute fist fight between Roddy Piper and Keith David in ''They Live'' (1988), but this one knocked them to second place. The choreography had to be so hard to perfect with all the continuous action and camera angles. Brilliantly done. Let's remember that this all happened because of Tory. My question is why was she in that scene at the end? She should be in jail charged with assault, probably even more because she used a weapon. To me that didn't make sense. Still one of my favorite characters though. One last nitpick: As someone that spent nine months in hospital beds at several hospitals and rehab places, it drives me crazy when I see beds with the rails down. I get that it's better for the shot, but it's not accurate. And no way would have Miguel been lying on what appeared to be a physical therapy table that had no rails at all. Oh, and I did try to subliminally prepare you for this with one of my comments in 2x07: ''We all saw the kiss coming, obviously, but when Miguel finds out, even though he says he doesn't care, he is going to take a hard fall which he might not recover from... Something is going to break and it will turn really bad. I hope not, but something is about to drop.'' Can't wait for S3, Dak! Thanks!