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Hello All!

Kira-you sneaky bean!!! I had a feeling there'd be more to her but this gift she has was not at all what I'd have thought and I wanna know more! I would have loved to have carried on from the last episode and seen more of Malia but I guess that wasn't the plan here. Isaac & Allison are getting heated haha. I truly hope Isaac is going to be okay, looks like he's facing some trouble! We also got to enjoy more Banshee Lydia was is always a plus. Why am I so addicted to this show haha...

Hope you enjoy the reaction folks. Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Brian D | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | David G | Lord David S | Dexter |  Johann L | Johnny | Jonathan M | Joshua B | Keith M | Lucie G | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Pnut | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Stormy River | William L | William S

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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Neil Silverman

YES! Pineapple absolutely DOES belong on pizza... I knew there was a reason I thought you were cool. :-D Anyway, yet another great episode, with another great cliffhanger. I love how there's this whole awful terrifying murder plot going on, and yet somehow the relationships seem to be front and center in this one. And it's all handled so well. The Isaac/Alison scene was hilarious, and Kira/Scott are adorable. I agree about Melissa. I think the fact that this killer is purely human makes it much more terrifying to her. All the supernatural stuff, while amazing, can be excused, so to speak, by the fact that it belongs to a different world. But a pure human being choosing to massacre children - that's true evil. Watching you go back and forth on Kira was so much fun. And now you know she's... something. Can't wait for next Friday to get your reaction to the next one. If I didn't look forward to Fridays before, I sure do now. And don't worry, no spoilers but you will get to see Malia again. Have a great weekend!


doug jones, always a pleasure to see him, just as it's always weird to see him in something without a full body and face prosthetic lol. if you don't know, he played benny in hocus pocus, abe spapien in hellboy, the faun in pan's labyrinth, and the fish guy in the shape of water, just to name some of his most famous work lol i'm looking at that cute, flirty sushi scene and i'm just like "her parents are watching oh god!" the "because it's your name too, honey" is so beautiful to me and no one else seems to react to it but it is legitimately one of my favorite lines in the show. really highlights melissa and scott's relationship. actually, some great stuff with all the parents this episode. "...lydia wasn't on the chessboard! *she's a banshee* oh god" and then literall the only reason chris was in the episode was the be hilarious with allison lmfao i love that stiles' reason for lydia staying behind isn't to protect her, it's literally just that he only has 1 bat lmao. how very stiles


i add pineapple to most pizzas i get. hoy and spicy with pine apple, bbq meatlovers with pineapple etc even Hawaiian with pineapple