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Hello All!

What a whirlwind guys! I LOVE THIS SHOW! Some forewarning, I was super tired and sick during this but the show is that good that I was completely invested and in awe of all of these characters & the actors performances. The episode started right in the action & they really showcased the scoobies and their strengths which I loved. I liked that they tricked me into thinking Buffy was back right off the bat with the BuffyBot. Giles leaving was so sad & HE BETTER BE BACK! It still felt different with the lack of real Buffy in these eps which was important. I do worry for Buffy's mental right now, she's really been through it. I cant wait to watch more!

Hope you enjoy the reaction folks. Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Brian D | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | David G | Lord David S | Dexter |  Johann L | Johnny | Jonathan M | Joshua B | Lucie G | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Pnut | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Steven S | Stormy River | William L | William S | Willie C

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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I'm a bit late to the show, but life happened. A lot of people already said a lot about this one so i'll keep it short-ish. Aboout the slayer line.. Who knows if it works with one active slayer like others here said, which would be Faith then. And But as Willow pointed out, This death wasn't of "natural causes" as in, got stabbed or something. But a supernatural energy from between dimensions killed her. Who knows what effect that had. I fully agree wiht you, and said it before. No matter how you come back, something like that changes you. And much like Angel, when he came back from another dimension and we was out of it, That would be a shock to the system for buffy as well. I'm here for the scenes between Buffy and Dawn. In my opninion they are done well, and those are the scenes that really hit me in the feels.


Aired less than a month after 9/11. I had to watch these as reruns. I was confused at the beginning too, because I had forgotten about Buffybot. Clever way to have SMG still a part of the Scoobies. Buffybot's childlike innocence and way of analyzing brings a whole new type of humor which I appreciate. I don't remember Tara sounding almost identical to Willow, but she was affected for awhile so maybe it's just me. She seems to have adopted Scoobie-speak too, which you have no idea how many in real life did too back then. I still say 'bored now'. Spike's scene with Dawn is every bit of that of a protective father. This scene and the one with Dawn climbing into bed with Buffybot made me emotional and wish we had had more children. I was never a Static-X fan, but it felt nostalgic hearing them. The music choices are always that way for me, even if I've never heard the band before. That period of time is very identifiable by its music. Olde English 800 is malt liquor, which is the lowest quality of beer (imo) and back then was ~$1.99 for a 40 oz bottle. As teenage punks and skins in the '80s, we would buy 40s all the time, usually King Cobra (another malt liquor). Uh, yeah. You would've thought they would dig up Buffy before doing the spell... I found the biker gang kinda cheesy, but they were ancillary to the story so not a big deal. I'm glad you took the advice of watching both episodes as one reaction. This was a Grimm level cliffhanger, and you know how we feel about those. I adore Anya. She is so unwittingly funny and cute and I'm so glad she is a full-time Scoobie. She's very similar to Cordelia in that way (some may see her as replacement). I'm glad we still have Cordy in Angel though. This was a very emotional and powerful two episodes, and it should have aired as a single, two-hour season premiere. Season six is wild.