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It’s hard for me to write this but here goes…

My Grandad sadly passed away today. The loss of my Grandad, who is one of the greatest men I have ever known, hits our family hard. He was our rock and my Nan’s absolute everything. He’ll be extremely missed and it’s going to be difficult trying to adjust to a life without him.

I will be doing all I can (once my sickness has subsided) to be there wholeheartedly for my Nan and family during this time. My Grandad helped me so much throughout life and during the loss of my father which must have been the hardest time of his life too. His strength is unbelievable and a true inspiration. I owe my grandparents a lot and it’s important to me that I do all I can for them now and always.

If you could be patient with me with regards to my uploads I’d be extremely grateful for that and I hope that my library of content can keep you entertained/busy until I can post new reactions. I will remain active as can be on Discord and may even do the odd stream there too if I feel up to it.

I would like to take this moment to thank everyone that left a comment/PM sending their best after my last video titled ‘Update’ on Patreon. You guys have helped more than you could ever know. This community was unexpected but I’m forever grateful for what we have created here and it’s all thanks to you guys.

I wish I had happier news to share but for now, I will be signing off from my typical schedule and I hope that I’ll be seeing you all soon

Much love

Dakara x

P.s Image taken from my wedding day. My grandad walked me down the isle and it’s a memory I will always treasure. The pride and the love that he had meant the world to me. RIP Gramps x x



Michael Matthews

Just joined your Patreon but have watched your YouTube channel , very sorry for your loss, my condolences to you and your family