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I’ve lost my voice guys! I’m so sorry!

I’ve felt poorly for a while now but tried to work through it & it’s back fired. I just cant record videos at the moment with laryngitis and a chest infection. I’ll be taking a few days off to try and recover. Sadly this will have an effect on my uploads for next week as I won’t be able to record them this week. I’ll make sure to get in the office to post the remainder of this weeks videos later today though. Then it’s rest time for me, doctors orders.

Hope you guys understand…I’ll be back asap, I promise! I always dread getting sick 🤒 😢 try not to make a habit of it x x



Sally Rush

Feel better soon x

Liam Harrold

don't push yourself on returning we need you at 100% :D Liam's orders ;)