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Hello All!

So it's finally happened!!! I have officially dipped my toe in the anime world! Spoiler alert I cry... whats new? Hahaha, hope you enjoy!

Thanks for watching



*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Aaron B | Becky L | Bill E | Butterfleaz | CC | Caitlin P | Castiels Wings | Chris H | Clint F | David E | Dexter | Fernando D | Gina St.P | Heidi M | Highlander | Hwang | Jennifer M | Jonathan M | Joshua A | Kayla W | Kevin K | Liam H | Lucifer | Luis Nov | Melissa G | Michael A | Naura | Omar S | Pentaholic-James | Phil K | Steven M | Stormy River | Tim Y | WeedGod6969 | William L


Attack On Titan Pilot Reaction.mp4


Toasted Toad

I started watching the show just so that I could watch this reaction with you (although I watched the subbed version). Man, it's dark! I mean, it starts off with the mother getting eaten alive in front of her kids - you can guess it's not going to be sweetness and light after that! But thoroughly addictive. Especially as the episodes are so short and tend to end on a "to be continued". None of them seem to be self contained. Pretty sure there is manga of this too, so the looks of the thing - the characters, the monsters, the town, the fighting style - would be obtained from that. But translating manga to anime I'm sure requires lots of skill and imagination to fill in all that static pictures cannot capture. But I think that sometimes that's why anime has the style it does - lots of fixed shots and stills. But I'm a newb to the genre and doubtless very ill informed.


Hey Dakara.. i really hope you continue this Anime.. The Suspence, the Drama, the Story. its all so amazing.. And if you like anime. Got so many for for you to jump into.. (short ones, longer ones) but first lets see what you think of Attack on Titan..