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Note: GoogleDrive strikes again with the awesome auto thumbnails - love that...

Rating - 8.5/10 - I freakin' loved the concept of this episode. The imaginary friends aspect was so interesting to me. I always enjoy seeing more of the boys pasts too & this definitely touched upon that. Plot progression wasn't major but I do feel it was a very strong MOTW episode. Meeting Sully was awesome & kinda sad at the same time. Sam felt he needed him, then he gained confidence & traction in the family business & dropped him leaving him hurt & making mistakes. I didn't quite understand why the girl hurt ALL imaginary friends...that was a bit overkill & savage tbh - seeing her kill Sparkle and then see poor Sparkles insides all over that mum's face was just too much guys!!! Hahaha. Bring on the next episode!

Thanks for watching everyone

Much love

Dakara x

p.s i'm almost back to my usual self, give it a couple of days. Hope to play catch up this week!  


*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Stormy River | Omar S | Naura | Kayla W | Joshua A | Hwang | Gina St.P | Fernando D | Clint F | Amy M | Castiels Wings | Phil K | Dexter | Caitlin P | Becky L | Michael C | Michael A | Chris H | Kenneth S 


Supernatural Reaction 11x08.mp4



So funny story. I got half way through season 6 and I couldn't take the show anymore. I HATED season 6 with all of my soul (heh see what I did there?) and I just quit. At some point I accidentally caught this episode. I LOVED IT. This is seriously one of my favorite episodes of the show. I loved the humor and the conversation between Sully and Sam made me CRY. It just seemed so true to life about being scared to take on some new and uncertain challenge and having a hard time "ever think of running away again?" of that decision. This is seriously one of my favorite episodes of the series. It's interesting to see how many people didn't care for it. It just seems like such a solid spn episode to me. Needless to say after seeing this episode I went back and watched the rest. Still despise season 6 (with the exception of like 3 episodes) 7 wasn't too bad but not great then the last half of season 8 is where I felt it found it's groove again. Thanks for listening to me rant. I hope you're feeling 100% again Dakara.


I too felt that this was a strong episode. It was great seeing an overgrown man Sam revert back to and act like a child. I think we would be doing the same in that situation. It's like how we will act a little bit younger when we are around our parents if we haven't seen them in a while. The actor that played Sully does such a great job being able to act completely goofy and then heartfelt in almost the same sentence and line. I really liked this episode too