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What an episode!! We got to meet another one of Lucifer's brothers! Uriel, the only one i'm waiting for now is Michael! Really enjoying this show guys & I hope you're enjoying these reactions.

Thanks so much everyone for watching this reaction, 

Much love for all the support. Stay safe out there everyone!

Dakara x 


*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Stormy River | Omar S | Naura | Kayla W | Joshua A | Hwang | Gina St.P | Fernando D | Clint F | Amy M | Castiels Wings | Phil K | Dexter | Caitlin P | Becky L | Michael C | Michael A | Chris H | Kenneth S | Castiels Wings


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- The above should solve your issues, in the odd case it doesn't, I can only put it down to it being a fresh upload and too many people are accessing the link...on this occasion I typically leave a temporary link at the bottom of the description. This lasts for 4 weeks after my initial posting. The exceeded views does reset so please be patient & try again on another day.


Lucifer Reaction 2x05.mp4


Celia Fox

The first episode to make me cry...but not the last! It was heartbreaking to even try to imagine what Lucifer must have felt after what he had done. Bravura performance by Tom Ellis. Strong performances by all of this talented cast. The more I think about it, the more it makes me love the passion and heart-rending emotions that I recall are yet to be explored in telling this story. One minute the writers have us laughing at the humour, next confused or thoughtful about the plot and where it might be leading and then they drown us in dark and deeper emotions that tug at the heart or bring tears to the eyes. It's a rollercoaster in the dark...and we may not know if it is safe for our favourite characters to be on the ride...


Starting at 2 x 2 you get the error too many views. Just a heads up for anyone trying to catch up


TROUBLESHOOTING: Having trouble watching this video? Please follow the below steps: - Please make sure you are signed into your Google Account to watch the google drive links. The links are temperamental if you are not signed in. - If for whatever reason the links still aren't working for you, please try an alternative browser. For example, if you are using Microsoft edge please try google chrome. Again though, you must be signed into your google account. - The above should solve your issues, in the odd case it doesn't, I can only put it down to it being a fresh upload and too many people are accessing the link...on this occasion I typically leave a temporary link at the bottom of the description. This lasts for 4 weeks after my initial posting. The exceeded views does reset so please be patient & try again on another day.