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Hi all! I hope you're all well!

Firstly, I'd like to mention that I'll be trying to make one more post before the end of the month ^^

As for the main thing, I have an update on my discord server! But there's something I want to run by you all first.

Originally, I was planning to have my discord only for patrons, but as I thought about it more, and with me being silenced on twitter for 3+ months due to the search ban, and with me starting to stream art (and soon games!) I think it would be awesome to be able to extend my community to the public, while still having a special patreon area on my discord that only you all would be able to see and access.

Also due to changes for links on twitter, it's made it almost impossible to advertise my patreon or anything else, so this would also help with that!

Honestly, being stuck not tweeting or being able to do much or talk to people on twitter for 3+months was hard, and I wished I could continue sharing everything without using twitter.

A lot of artists already have discords for public+patreon so I've been thinking it'll be pretty fun for me to try also.

Ultimately, I want to hear your thoughts/opinions about it, but I do hope you'll enjoy this idea too ^^


Connor Burke

I'm down. Let's do special roles and events for patrons


I really like the idea, maybe you could do one channel only for patreons