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Hey all! Hope you're all well.

I noticed recently that patreon has rolled out a new layout for their site which as far as I know, creators don't have control over, but unfortunately seems to have made it a little harder to notice rewards, especially if you aren't used to patreon to begin with.

Now instead of showing my censored crop art and the full piece underneath, it seems to show only the crop banner with a tiny photo icon + a number to indicate how many pieces are in the post in the corner of the art. So now you need to click fully into the post to view both it seems. That's how it is for my single piece posts anyways.

At least that's how it is for desktop, idk if it's the same for mobile.

So please keep that in mind if you're having trouble finding my/other creators artworks since the layout change. Also feel free to DM me on patreon or twitter if you have any trouble with it!

Aside from that, I'm currently working on the next art to post, so it should be up either tomorrow or the day after ^^



I usually only use mobile for patreon but it's still the old layout there :0 cropped with the whole piece underneath. Just so you have the feedback for that but I'm guessing if formatting has changed for desktop it might change for mobile eventually... idk ksvdjsg


Thank you for confirming! It's really weird on desktop idk why they had to change it, hopefully mobile stays the same though!