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Caught part 1

Tags: top Cyno/bottom Tighnari, Tighnari has heats despite it not being A/B/O AU

Saying bye is never easy.

Especially to the one you love the most…even if he doesn’t know it yet.

Cyno has been staying with Tighnari in Gandharva Ville for a little over a week to relax from work in the desert.

Dinners with Cyno and Collei, spending moments together watching the sunsets, pretending to laugh at Cyno’s jokes, just to make the General smile…are some of the moments that Tighnari misses the most when Cyno is away.

The fox hasn’t confessed yet of course, content to continue without the fear that maybe he’s reading too much into the looks Cyno gives him, or the lingering touches of their hands when passing something to the other from time to time.

“You’re sure you packed everything?” Tighnari asks with his hands on his hips, while he watches Cyno check over his satchel one last time.

“It seems so.” Cyno nods before standing up and looking back at Tighnari.

“Well, make sure you have a safe trip, and please be careful. No more fighting 300 men and getting hurt so I have to come and save you again.”

Not that Tighnari minds of course, he wants to make sure Cyno is safe and well.

Cyno smiles lopsided, “You do take care of me a lot, don’t you?”

Tighnari hmphs, “And just as well I do because if you didn’t have me you’d be-“

He’s suddenly cut off by two arms pulling him close into a tight embrace.


“I’ll miss you,” the General says softly against Tighnari’s hair, “you and Collei take care of yourselves, alright? I’ll be back to visit before you know it.”

Tighnari breathes out slowly and wraps his arms around Cyno’s waist, the General’s scent having him melt in his arms, “You better be.”

They stay like that for a moment longer before they reluctantly have to part.

When Tighnari loses sight of Cyno in the distance, his ears droop down sadly. Cyno’s scent still has him wrapped in a tight hug, it’s all over him and will probably last till the next morning, which the fox doesn’t mind at all.

It isn’t long until Tighnari turns in for the night. Cyno left in the evening, and it’s already dark and most of the forest watchers have already said their goodnights and gone to bed.

When Tighnari makes it into his home, he begins undressing. He only manages to get most of his top layers off until he notices something dark slung over his desk chair.

Curious he picks it up and-

“Ugh, Cyno, I thought you told me you had everything.” Tighnari groans while holding Cyno’s cloak in his hands, the fabric soft but sturdy and…

It smells so strongly of him.

Tighnari bites his lip and slowly brings the cloak up to his nose, sniffing into the fabric.

He moans as soon as he breathes out and blushes from embarrassment, this is completely inappropriate.


He can feel his face heat up, and the urge to bury his face into Cyno’s cloak grows stronger.

“I miss you…I…need you here…with me.”

Tighnari can feel it in his gut, can feel it between his legs…his heat is being triggered, solely from Cyno’s scent, and his feelings for him.

Tighnari’s race is special in that they can have heats, and their bodies can choose mates before they themselves even know, though…

Tighnari is sure his body chose Cyno long ago.

The fox rubs his legs together and brings the cloak to his nose once more, “I wonder if he’d mind…if I…?”

He places the cloak on the bed and quickly gets undressed.

By the time Tighnari slips Cyno’s cloak on, slick is already dripping down his thighs.

He crawls onto his bed, propping himself up against his pillows and pulls the cloak up over his abs and quickly gets to work.

Bringing some of the fabric of the cloak to press against his nose, he teases his rim gently with a soft gasp.

His fingers won’t be enough, not nearly enough but they will have to do.

The first finger slides in easily with how incredibly wet he is, already staining his sheets. He moans as he moves his finger in and out slowly, wishing they were Cyno’s fingers instead.

He would be lying if he said he never looked at Cyno’s fingers, wondering how they’d feel touching him, how they’d feel inside him.

There was one time he was sparring with Cyno for a bit of fun in the forest and he swears he felt Cyno against him when the General happened to pin him down.

Archons, Tighnari wonders what would have happened if he hadn’t rolled and threw Cyno off, if he let him stay against his back-

C-Cyno…!” Tighnari moans loud once he slides in a second finger. Working his fingers faster and coating his hand in slick.

The pleasure he feels outweighs the guilt, the fact he’s doing this while wearing Cyno’s cloak, without him around, without his permission.

What would Cyno think of him?

He quickly shakes his head and shifts his thoughts to just about Cyno. He’ll wash the cloak once he’s done, it’ll be okay.

Cyno will never know.

“Oh no.” Cyno sighs while rummaging through his satchel, despite it obviously being too small to hold his cloak.

“Tighnari is going to kill me but I need my cloak.”

Luckily, he isn’t that far away, having stopped multiple times just to view the forest and think about a specific fox in particular.

Being unable to stop thinking about Tighnari being the reason he forgot his cloak in the first place.

“At least I’ll be able to see him again before I leave.”

To say Cyno hurried back would be an understatement. He borderline sprinted, excited to see Tighnari again.

Once he made it back in Gandharva Ville, he was met with quiet, with most of the forest rangers having turned in for the night.

He hoped Tighnari would still be awake. Most likely having found his cloak and waiting for him to get back so he can scold him.

A scolding Cyno would gladly welcome.

As he approaches Tighnari’s home, he notices the light is still on, but fairly dim.

He hesitates for a moment before pushing the leaves that covered the entrance away, preparing himself but…

“Tighnari? Have you seen my-“

He stops in his tracks, eyes widening with his face immediately heating up, “cloak…?” he ends in a whisper.

He prepared himself to get told off, but he could’ve never prepared himself for what he’s witnessing right now.

Tighnari is leaned back against his pillows, wearing his cloak and his legs…those beautiful, beautiful legs are spread wide while Tighnari works himself open.

Cyno’s eyes dart from his face to his legs then to his ass, so pink and wet, he bites his lip to hold in his own groan.

Despite how good Tighnari’s hearing is, he hasn’t seemed to notice Cyno’s presence, too engrossed in his pleasure and bliss.

“C-Cyno…yes, there…need you inside me…” Tighnari whispers in desperation, sliding his fingers even deeper but it doesn’t seem to be enough, judging by the scowl on his face with his eyes closed.

Cyno barely manages to hold in another moan. Tighnari is touching himself, making himself soaked thinking of him, needing him, wanting him

Cyno is only so strong, and seeing the one he loves pleasuring himself while moaning his name?

Who would he be to deny Tighnari what he wants?

Thank you for reading! Part 2 will be out sometime next month! 




Heat cycles are my fave. I love this. So good 🥺

Amy Harteveld

ahhh I can't wait for part 2!!