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We added a dialogue driven options for female playthrough to entertain waiting clients. Whole bunch of 30 new animations for single and double table action. Including undressing and teasing animations. 

Same way as assigned receptionist can entertain waiting clients, spending 5 ST per hour, and delaying their stay time. At first we wanted to make it dependable on dignity - how many client she could entertain at the same time, but we don't have a stable options to lower dignity for your employees yet. So it's 2 clients at the same time for now even with 40 dignity.

To enable this option, you have to ask girl to unzip the top. Now it's a permanent option saved to your save file and carried through next day.

Reception scene added to other peek scenes, so you'll be able to cycle through them along with bedroom, gloryhole, holding cells and your field teams scenes. 

Still a lot of bugs to fix, moved the countdown. We'll post 2.5 version before 29 of September for sure.

Check the countdown -> HERE <-




Porn Empire has no sex sounds and crappy animations IMO


I played the latest free version I feel like nothing has changed in four months. Game is not that good


Is There a drow elf behind the table?! ;) well done, colleague! ;)