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"Nere is lounging in her room when she notices the neighbor's son in the field outside her window. Nere gets up and stands in front of the glass and bangs on it to get the boy's attention.

When he sees her, Nere smiles mischievously, releases her breasts and begins to touch herself, staring at him.

The boy watches her fascinated, almost paralyzed. He watches as Nere moves her lips, forms the word "pervert" with them and starts touching herself faster.

Suddenly the boy comes to his senses and strides away."



Mike Butler

I recently played through the latest release of Lustbringer on Android and it was FANTASTIC! You did such a wonderful job on that version. I know Android is tough, but it plays perfectly without issues and the graphics were high resolution and looked perfect. Thanks for your hard work on it! The game was also a lot of fun to play, I really enjoy the gradual progression and getting to know the characters over the course of the game.