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Hi everyone!

Lustbringer Mentorship is is done!

Hope you'll enjoy it!

"In a society where the economy and the energy is sustained with the power of love and lust, the lustbringers, at the same time priests and public servants of love, are one of the most prestigious citizens. Sal and Astan are a married couple who once where one of the most reputed among them but now are retired and enjoying a new stage of their life. 
One day, their old boss, Lara Roh, shows at their door and she is not alone. The lustbringers organization has found a promising aspiring girl, Nere, but she seems to not be very fit for the regular training, or to follow any rule. Because of this, Lara Roh, will ask Sal and Astan to allow the girl to live with them and mentor her so she is able to achieve her full potential."

Windows 64: Link
Windows 32: Link
Browser: Link
Android:  Link 



Mike Butler

Hooray! Can't wait for the android version!


Been a fan since ECOL 1! Love everything ya'll have done and look forward to playing through this weekend!


Super excited! Is there any set timeline for the browser version? Really looking forward to it!


I already had a save from the older versions with almost everything unlocked, but now im missing most of my gallery. is there a code for unlocking it like it was with elana?


Hi! the gallery had to be changed and doesn't work the same so it could not be saved. The codes can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/10-tier-info-3-35899764


hi, my windows defender says there is a trojan in the downloadfile. whats happening?


Hi, perhaps it is a false positive? To be sure we just downloaded LustbringerBeta64 and LustbringerBeta32 using the links provided here in a computer where the files has never been and had no problem with it. Windows defender made a warning because it was an unknown application when running the .exe, but certainly did not say nothing about a trojan :S and scanning it with avast found nothing as well.


Ok good. Thanks for that. I will check my system.


Hello im just star playing again but i dont unlock sal scenes some tips pls ?


Hi! I think she should join at day 20. It did not happen then? If so, in which version happened and did you load a save from a previous version?


It could be because of this then. Some of the days when some morning events are triggered has been changed and more have been included and the game is probably not recognizing well the data on the saved file.

Routt Arts

que buen final, me ha encantado la historia de nere, pero como me temo que ya esta siendo una costumbre, me hubiera gustado un poco de post-game, quizas una mision sencilla con nere ya siendo Lustbringer, algo como ella enseñando a nuevos candidatos, no tenia que ser algo muy largo, pero me hubiera gustado ver a nere en su faceta como Lustbringer


Nos alegramos de que te haya gustado! :D Hubiera estado bien la verdad, pero ya nos encontramos teniendo que recortar cosas porque nos estabamos alargando demasiado en el desarrollo. Además... Nere no termina siendo Lustbringer en todos los finales... ÒuÔ


is there a way to fix the bug that makes it so that one click does a bunch of them at once


In the alpha it was working fine, but when I downloaded the beta clicking any option in the main menu would trigger a bunch of clicks. Not only in the main menu but also in the actual game too and the chore buttons to increase discipline were missing as well. Just from the alpha the game is really good so if the bug can be resolved that would be great.


Thanks for reporting it! we'll check it. Just because it is a really weird bug and we've not been able to replicate it, Could you try to delete the game and download it again to see if it fixes it? Also be sure to extract everything in the .zip before playing. Again, we ask just in case.


yeah I did that 3 times and it still didnt fix it. I really was looking forward to the game but I cant play it at all with that.


Okey thanks. As mentioned in discord, we'll do a revision of it in a week or two, but meanwhile you could give it a try in the browser version.


Hi! I am trying to access the browser link, but I'm having some issues with it. It keeps saying that the page is lost.


Hi! Thanks for reporting it. It seems there's been a problem with the server and we are fixing it. We'll let you when it's up again.

Trey Alexander

Hello, so in the middle of the game, I got a glitch with the Tear of the Goddess. It does it repeatedly and I can't do anything besides just enhance stuff over and over again. This is on the browser version.


Fascinacion por su arte en todo lo que se hace, es la primera vez que pago patreon, disfrute muchisimo el juego (casi por terminarlo). Comenzo con ECoL 1 y 2 que ojala poder volver a jugarlos alguna vez, no pierdo la esperanza en que alguna vez se pueda volver a jugar en android. Disfruto mucho la jugabilidad de este juego al igual que los de elana. Muchas gracias y siempre que pueda voy a estar apoyando el contenido


Hi I am having issues with trying to download the APK. File it let's me download it but when I tried to stage the said APK it tells me app not installed


Hi! Sorry, it seems we missed your comment. You should go to where the file is downloaded and tapping on it should let you install it (it happened to us before that the installation stops mid process because the device gets out of running memory and could help stop other apps while installing it). Hope it help and sorry about the late response.