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Hi, everyone!

In a scale of Astan to Nere how did you started this year? We have to admit we've started as Nere but we already transitioned to Astan, refreshed, motivated and even positive (the reason of this last one scapes our logic in this mad world but we'll take it nevertheless).

This first week of the year has a little of planning and close open threads left, but we are again working on the turret defence and Lustbringer. Root will be probably working on the turret defence until his part it's done but Knot, after closing a couple of things on Lusbringer, will start working on it at some point during next week.

Also we would like to announce a couple of changes. One of our new year's resolutions is to optimize our work and because of it we are going to do two changes that, could not seem much effort for our part, but summed at the end of the year could mean the time that take us do an entire minigame.

· First: In a day or so we are going close the discord channel. We've not been able to make it alive enough or encourage people to participate there. Because of this sometimes it is just a place to mirror post what is already been posted in patreon.

· Second: We are going to make the the animation polls using short descriptions instead of sketches. We know it is better with sketches but sometimes, depending on the amount of sketches, it ends up taking us more time that it take us do one or two animations.

Sorry if this is something you rather have the other way as a patron, but we do it thinking for the best  to be more productive with games and to be able to do more of them in less time.

In any case, if you have any more ideas you think that could help us optimise our time to do more games (that doesn't involve remove any reward from the tiers) we'll be more than happy to hear them.

Have a wonderful year and see you tomorrow!




<p style="color: #008600;">Happy New Year! I'm glad to hear that you have positive thoughts about this year, it's great. This year is sure to be the best!</p>