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Hi everyone!

Root here, as usual, drawing titties and pipis. Jus wanted to mention, again, that the final version of Elana, Champion of Lust, Chapter 3 should be done and ready soon. Again and as happened before, the browser version is what is giving us more troubles, but we've been  able to fix some functionalities we had to cut before, like the secondary events or the canteen and the gym. Today we were going to have it but we decide it to give it another try with the wandering enemies, which still doesn't work well. Could seem we are putting to much effort on the browser version but since the whole saga started and is mostly played on browser, it is important  to us and for the whole Knot Games project to have it as well finished as we can.

In any case, one monday and if nothing strange happens, browser (with or without wandering enemies) and Windows version will be published and the Android version should come soon too.

After it we expect everything to be coming faster and easier. We loved develope Elana's saga but I'm fairly sure we'll love closing it too.

Thanks for your patience, your amazing support and have a nice weekend!



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