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The .exe works again as it should without the projector. To play the .swf as always, play it with the latest update of adobe flash player  on the browser and better if it's Google chrome.


· Now when you make an area attack in combat all enemys get aroused instead of only the one selected.

· Fixed some errors with the images of Alphara and Omegara in combat.

· Combat optimization ( fixed arrows, selection of the enemys, arrows...)

· Optimization of the transition animations of day and night.

· Optimization of the animation when leveling up the areas.

· Fixed music bug in the room of the tabern.

· Fixed night event in the market wich could made the game freeze (spanish version).

· Now events keep the music (all music still provisional).

· Added sounds on the archmage event.

· Chained new chain observing events.

· Added 4 images for observing events in the forest.

· Added 4 images for observing events in the market.

· Replaced sketches.

During next week Knot will focus on prepare the android app version and Root will keep doing observig events (maybe the two animations from the polls depending on the time it takes).  



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