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Patrons: You are asking somthing again? What's up with you? Go buy yourself a friend or somthing!

Knot Games: I'm sorry. I have to admit I'm back to coffee and a little more active but this last question it's quite important to us and being so close to chapter it's now or never.

Due to some comments, messages and our own overthinking, an idea has come to our table. What if Elana could change but at the same time keep her actual look? What if instead of permanently change she could transform like a sexual super sayan when she needs or wants? Maybe some actions could only be done transformed or some could be an improve from the same action (like blowjob lvl1 is the actual with Elana performing the foreplay, but blowjob lvl 2 is the one performed with Elana transformed) and also will be more content for future skills with the looks Elana have now beside the ones from Elana transformed. It could open options too, maybe if you go to confront an event with Elana from chapter 1 the result is different than if you go with Elana from chapter 2... And many more things... Also we, as many others, have grown fond with this cute little rascal...

So here is the question:

Do you prefer Elana permanently transformed on chapter two or otherwise Elana keeping her original look and giving her the ability to change when she wants? 

If your answer it's not very clear here we'll move this question to the polls on the forums and $5+ patrons will have the last word.

Thanks for your time, your support and your patience with this developers who have too much time to overthink while drawing and implementing texts



Optionality would be nice.


I like the transformed version but I think having the option to revert back would be nice for variety