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Hi everyone!

This are the last concepts we'll do for future minigames, at least until we'll do the next polls which should be soon. For the poll we'll prepare some sort of title images for every of this ideas we've been exploring with this sketch concepts.

Today we bring you three new ideas for minigames, one of them from a suggestion:

Sneaky Neighbour:

" A new neighbour just moved in next to your house and you are planning to go visit to say hello this weekend. Today you are coming back from work when you discover your cat sneaking into your house with something in his mouth. You decide to follow him and you find out he was carrying some panties but, not just some panties, that little bastard haves a full stash of panties. Since that never happened until today, you assume this underwear must belong to the new neighbour and extremely ashamed you decide to visit her and apologise for having a damn panties thief cat.

When you knock into her door she comes  out with a smile on her face, apparently unaware that she is half naked. After telling her what happened she laughs. "Of course... Your cat..." She says clearly not believing you. "Don't worry, I also use to play Sneaky Neigbour with my old neighbours" She adds. "I have already stolen your underwear too"

Puzzled you ask her what does she mean.  She seems a little confused for a moment but ends up laughing again. "Okay, lets pretend you don't know what is going on... I have stolen you underwear and I have hided it around my house. I'm going to give you some time to hide and then I'm going to start looking for you. While you hide from me you'll have to find your underwear before I find you, because when I find you I'm going to punish you according to the amount of your underwear you have found" She lends forward to whisper into your ear " You are going to love my punishments". She smiles at you again and opens wide her front door. " You want to play in my house today? We can play in your house for my panties another day... I'm not going to need them any time soon.""

In this game you'll have to hide around Hanna's house hiding from her and looking for your hidden underwear while she wanders around looking for you. If she finds you before you have found all of it, she is going to do *bad things to you...
*: Bad because if you had found more, she would had done more and better things to you.

Sex maniac mansion:

"Your friend Ilia has been missing for a while now. Las week you received a lead telling that she's been seen in an old creepy mansion and you have decided to go investigate on your own."

In this game you have to go around a strange mansion solving puzzles to find your friend Ilia. But it is not going to be that easy... Like Mr. X in resident evil, some strange characters will be wandering around the mansion while you are trying to solve the puzzles and if they catch you, they are going to start "things" in you that will lead to you losing your mind if you don't stop it fast enough.

If Frakenlady catches you, she will shock you, and slowly, your brain waves are going to be aligned with her brain waves, and her brain waves are only about one thing... Smash and being smashed. If Shewolve catches she is going to bite you and a powerful and supernatural heat is going to slowly possess you until you'll only live for finding mates. If The Harvester catches you, she is going to inject you with a little something that will slowly increase certain body flows, engorging certain body parts and increasing certain production to a point where you'll only be good for nothing more than being harvested. If Dark Mistress catches you, she is going put a lust curse on you, and dark lust forces are going to start visiting you, trying to enter your mind, weakening it, until you are ready to receive the final visit of the Dark mistress.

All this "curses" from this characters, will have stages that will increase with time or when the characters catches you again before you find a cure for it around the mansion. This curses will manifest with visions that will appear in a more often and intense way as the curse progresses.

Seduction Siege:

"The kingdom of Repitiminiland has become extremely wealthy during the last decades. The elders still remember the old manners but most of the young folks has become a little decadent since they always had everything they wanted. The last trend among them is the "Sexsiegeing", or at least some sensationalist newspapers call it that way. The practice consist on build rudimentary fortresses and bring them down to impress and arouse a possible lover. The more their fortresses are being destroyed by their pretenders the more this young folks are being aroused for the decadent display of power. If they fortresses are totally brought down, they are so aroused they engage immediately into sexual activities."

A little bit like an angry birds version where the pigs fire at you too, in this game you'll have to shoot and destroy rudimentary fortresses to impress and seduce. While the minigame is on you'll be able to see the reactions of the young folks engaging as the decadents displays of power are happening. Once the battles ends depending how they end there will be an outcome or another.

What do you think about this ideas? Any thought or changes you'd like to suggest on them?

Have a nice day!

