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We just updated the Arena versions with Windows 32 and Browser and with some fixes (Android should come soon).

Alse here is the governess giving a hard time to Elana and the Spirit.

Have a nice weekend! 




Hey! Just finished to Arena. This time around it was a much better experience. Far less bugs. The xp drops were very good in the first area and decent in the second. . After that it was really hard to obtain xp. But still I managed just fine. What I forgot to mention before is that I really like that the new chars you obtain have already a good amount of skill points once you get them. And I think it would be really nice if the xp system was universal through out the game. In this case you can easily swap out characters and no one is left behind. Which would allow for more ways to complete the arena. Just an idea. When playing with Christie it's good that the lust breath activates by it self but I don't like how it pauses the game. When the other abilities do it it's fine. About progressing skills it would be nice to know before hand how much skills points each upgrade costs. When Belladonna uses her Stamina suck which results in defeating the enemy she doesn't actually get any extra stamina. Looking forward to the next update ;)


Thanks for all the feedback! We'll thinks about all chars getting xp at one but we'll probably fix it by making the enemies give more xp to them or something. The rest is just because it need more work (for example modify Christies attack could produce a certain amount of problems and we decided to leave it that way to not cause possible new bugs for the hot fix).


Where can I download the last arena versions?