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Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well as well as your family and friends this days.

Provably tomorrow we'll finish with all the avatars and  next week we'll be able to jump into the art of the events and put all the excess world together for next release.

Stay safe and have a nice weekend.

Event of the week (chain of events):

 A group of wizards is gathering forming a circle. They seem to be discussing something with concentration expressions on their faces.
 “... Also, one of the factors that helps reach the pure source is to eliminate all sensory factors, helping improve your concentration,” says one of the women of the group. A man nods although he seems to be lost in his own thoughts. “It makes sense...” he mutters.
 “Of course,” she answers. “Directing your mind towards the generic flowing sources can be done in the midst of distractions with some practice, the target is big, but doing it with the pure source, extreme precision is required and each sensory stimulus is like a pull or push that can deviate us.”
 “So...” keeps telling the woman. “It's always much easier to reach it under certain conditions. A quiet environment, eyes closed, warm temperature, mouth clean, odor-free environment... even wearing no clothes can prevent to be stimulated by the touch sense, it's highly recommended, everything that helps...” she explains.
 Another woman snorts and puts arms akimbo. “So ... Actually ... You claim that it can be done, that you can do it, buuuuut ... you can only do it when you're alone and nobody can see it ... Aha ... I'm not buying it... You're just bluffing, trying to be the new Archmage,” she says sneering.
 The sorceress who was giving the explanations frowns and glares at the other woman. “Does everything have to be related to a power struggle, Enea?” She asks. Enea shrugs. “C'mon Tuni, don't be like that. I only care about the interests of academy and that neither fools nor liars stand in positions of power,” points out Enea with a condescending smile.
 Tuni sighs and rolls her eyes. “Okay, stay quiet for a moment and I'll show you.” Her glare inspects the group for a moment, evaluating them. “Move a little bit back, give me some space. Herdy you could use a shower.” She says.
 Herdy adopts an angry expression as he blushes. “Hey! I've just been working with sulfur,” he excuses. Tuni raises an eyebrow. “Uhm ... More reasons for it then ... Now, shut up.” The woman's removes her tunic over her head, getting completely naked, she closes her eyes and inhales deeply.
 After a minute Enea opens her mouth, ready to mock on her, but she ends up shutting it, snapping her jaw as Tuni begins to glow in a white light, a dense and pure aura that billows around her.
 The man who was meditating on Tuni's explanations now opens his eyes wide. “The pure source! The power over life and death ...” The man steps forward. “You must teach me, Tuni,” he says with greedy eyes, almost losing control, but Tuni doesn't seem to hear him. The woman remains with her eyes closed, inside the flow of light.   
 “Tuni ...” says the man extending his arm and reaching Tuni's shoulder. Then a burst of light leaves everyone in the room blind for a moment. The man is violently pushed away from Tuni who produces a piercing scream as a glowing figure separates from her body, a luminous copy of herself emerges from her back and for a moment struggles to pull out of her body.

Then everything is calm and Tuni pounces on the man. “NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! NEVER!” She shouts with supernatural voice to the man who's now holding his own hand, visibly charred.
 “F-F-Fine... Tuni ... I just ...” he stammers. Tuni relaxes and sighs. “I'll teach you ... But just so you do not cause a mess with your imprudence...” The man nods. The rest observe them with an air of respect and a hint of horror.

 “So ... Are you ready to contact the pure source?” Asks Tuni. The man nods, visibly anxious and nervous. The woman stares, analyzing him.
 “Listen, there are some things you must know before.” Says the woman upset at the attitude of man. “First ... To reach the pure source you have to be in a state of total relaxation and abstraction of the physical world, if you just go for it, anxiously, you will not even be able to notice it.”
 “Second ... Never interfere with someone in contact with the pure source. Contacting it and above all, keeping in it, it's extremely complicated. The power is so overwhelming that could cause unimaginable disasters. From disintegrating people to creating aberrant creatures from nowhere...”
 “Third... I and only I will decide how we practice and use the energy. If you get to reach the power, we'll do some small experiments for purely academic purposes, but nothing more.”·
 “If I see any sign of disobedience, I'll use the pure source to deny you access to any other source of power, period. Is that clear?” Threatens Tuni. The man nods enthusiastically and the woman sighs. “Well ... First I'll guide you so you can finally relax and then I'll join you in search of the source. Undress.”
 The man obeys. Tuni also undresses. Immediately the man's gaze is diverted to the woman's naked bust. Tuni growls. “Close your eyes,” she orders. “Now ... slow your breathing ... Inhale slowly through your nose, hold the air for a moment and let it go, slowly ...”
 Tuni keeps guiding him for a while until she perceives that the man is completely relaxed. Then she joins him. “Good, keep breathing this way and start searching for the sources. Immerse yourself in its fogs. You may feel that there is no logic, that they just chaotically flow, but it's not true...”
 “Every flow is an emanation that comes from the pure source, originated from in it, they all come from it. Look for the pattern and follow it, then ...” Tuni stops upon perceiving that the man's breathing has accelerated, she decides to slightly open one eye. “What the hell are you doing...?” She mumbles trying to not lose her focus.
 The man's penis has hardened and throbs with force. “Don't do that ... Don't harden nor move, that will only distract you ...” she says annoyed. The man speaks without opening his eyes. “I... can... not... help to... I can't get out of my mind that you're here, in front of me, naked...”
 Upon hearing that, a heat wave goes all over the woman and her breathing also accelerates. Tuni loses all concentration and the sources vanish from her mind. Now, she can only think about the man's crotch.
 “Listen! ... You know what ?! If you're not taking it seriously, we better leave it for today! Come back tomorrow with more determination or stop wasting my time,” says Tuni picking up her robes and rushing to walk away.

 Well ... After an endless number of practices, it seems you're ready to make contact with the pure source,” announces Tuni to the man that she was trying to instruct. “... As long I'm not naked ... ahem ... Well! Today you'll try to manipulate it... very slightly and harmlessly ... let's see what happens ...”
 The man stares at her with calm expression, somehow giving her a dumb smiling. “Maybe we've worked too much that relaxation stuff...” Thinks Tuni. The woman catches a burlap bag and pulls out a jar from with a sapling inside, the tiny tree is of a size that can not even be considered a small shrub.
 “Today you're going to attempt to favor the growth of this tree. Don't get frustrated if it doesn't work and not a single leaf springs, that's quite normal. The important thing here is that you focus on keeping the power and learn how to channel it ...”
 “... Above all, try to release as much little energy as you can, otherwise we could end up with a three-meter tree, with fur and fins perhaps,” warns Tuni. “Focus completely on the tree and encourage its growth, your world is reduced to the source and the sapling. Locate its cells and stimulate their activity.”
 The man nods keeping his serene expression all the time. The woman feels a chill in her back. “Certainly, I've gone too far with all this conditioning to make him focus and relax,” she thinks while pursing her lips. “Well, get naked and locate the source as we have done in the past.”
 The man undresses and closes his eyes. After slowing his breath, his body begins to shine and an oily bright aura appears around him. “Perfect, you've got it,” says the woman in a soft monotone voice to allow the man continue with his trance. “Now shape your mind as if a funnel, the energy must flow through you, let it flow and direct it.”
 “Locate your target ... Get inside it... Recognize it ... And then ... Transmits the change you wish to achieve...” The man's expression changes from concentration to effort. The woman notices that particular feeling in man's skin, the feeling when someone channels the pure source... the woman nods, satisfied.
 “Good, focus on the target... feel its being … Make it... Grow ... Grow ... Grow ...” Indicates Tuni. Then, she feels a tingling in her breasts. “No, no, no ... Focus on the tree!” Exclaims Tuni, but it's too late.
 * BLOB *
 Tuni bust has grown immeasurably, tensing her robe and threatening to break free. “What did you do to my little tits?! Now they are... Huge... boobs!” Protests the woman. The man frowns and his penis begins to swell.
 “Focus! Focus! Search small targets! If you think its too much, don't try to get the whole tree! Focus on the trunk! Grow trunk, grow trunk!” Orders Tuni.
 The man growls.
 * BLOB *
 Where once there was a semi-erect penis now hangs a massive cock that keeps tightening, compromising the man's balance. “Could you stop heeding the sensations that come from your crotch?!” scolds Tuni.
 “Telling me to stop thinking about the sensations that come from my crotch makes me think of the sensations that come from my crotch!” Protests the man. Suddenly, a mix of warmth and anxiety that doesn't come from her body seizes Tuni. Then, she moans. Seeing the man growling and lurching, Tuni knows that he is also being affected.
 “Stop... Oh! Gods! Stop channeling! Aaah!” Commands Tuni in between moans. Then, their bodies begin to change of color and shape.
 “Shit! Ah! Release the damn source! Shit! Aaaahhh!” Shouts Tuni in ecstasy. The man stops to glow and falls to the ground. “Aaaah! What have you done?!” says Tuni between pleasure and horror, watching her new body.
 The man looks embarrassed. “Maybe ... Maybe I just lied a little bit about my concentration...” he says. Tuni glares at him. “I'll kill you!” Says pouncing on him. “You ...” Tuni observes the enormous penis that presses her belly and begins to wheeze. “I'll kill you, later!” 





Will you guys be adding a "fast travel" feature to worlds that players have completed?