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This week we've been writing and not producing much art so we have not much to show. To compensate here is an image with the evolution of Leacky and Spilly and animated event of the week.

Also we have updated the alpha post adding the browser version for the 1.9 of chapter 3:

Stay safe and have a nice weekend.

Event of the week:

 A hunter is moving through the thicket in the forest.    
  He looks tense, alert, not just for game but as if he himself were worried he could become a prey. There's a cracking noise and the hunter turns like a spring with his bow high. “Not again...” He thinks while lowering the bow and shrugging.    
  Before him, half hidden in the thicket, some ten paces before him, he finds the woman he always has the luck to run into while she is sleeping on his way, except this time she isn't sleeping.    
  The woman is crouching, watching him with a predator-like smile, making soft deep growls, making a sound similar to a continuous moan.  
  “What do you want from me?!” he screams at her while kicking a few leaves her way “I just want to hunt in peace!”. As the sole answer, she smiles wider and tenses her muscles “Leave me be!” The hunter throws his bow at her and starts running.    
  Simultaneously, the woman rushes toward him with two quick jumps on all fours, as if she were a beast, but she quickly stands straight and starts pursuing the hunter.    
  Both villagers run for a while through the trees, one after the other. The hunter keeps on looking back to watch his pursuer, and he sees the woman easily going from standing to running on all fours depending on the irregularity of the terrain or the inclination of the trees so as to advance faster, closing the gap while giggling mischievously.
  Almost out of breath, the hunter spots a part of the forest he's familiar with, a place often trodden by villagers and his likely salvation, so he decides to go there. He then stops abruptly.    
  Between him and his target there is a great ditch covered in moss. The hunter doubts briefly but his face quickly fills with determination. He then takes a few steps back so as to get a running start and jump over the ditch but then the woman tackles him from behind.    
  They both roll into the ditch, finally laying on the mushy bottom, one on top of the other.    
  The man makes a try at standing up but he's so tired and out of breath that he's unable to push aside the woman, who is breathing heavily, lying against his chest; so he gives up and tries to catch his breath.    
  And there they remain for a few instants, both lying down breathing heavily.    
  If he weren't so afraid, so confused, the situation could even be... comforting.    
  The woman starts finally moving again and she puts her hands beside the man so as to raise her head and torso a little. She is still breathing heavily, releasing fresh mint-scented puffs over the man's face.    
  She stares at him, smiling, with a slight touch of jolly reproval in her eyes, while her breasts, rather generous for what he can see, press against each other at every breath while on the hunter's torso.    
  A comforting and warm feeling begins to take grip of his crotch pressed firmly against the mushy ground under the woman's hips.    
  She arches her brow surprised and quickly looks back while teasingly rubbing against the man's body.    
  The feeling and warmth increase as so does his penis, but the woman stops her movements and turns her head so as to stare into his eyes. She moves her hips once more and she arches a brow as if asking a question.  
  The hunter nods, a bit stunned, but he cannot help gulping. As answer, the woman smiles widely and leans forward so as to kiss him while moving once more.    
  Little by little, her mouth goes further down, kissing the hunter on his chin, his neck, unbuttoning his shirt urgingly, all the while kissing him on the lips.    
  With each of her grinds she keeps on going down the man's belly, rubbing firmly against his body until the man's shaft is pushing against her chin.    
  The woman smiles again and puts her mouth on his tip. Her tongue plays a little there and giggles softly while tickling him, just before taking the hardened penis into her mouth and sucking it ravenously.    
  Faster, even faster, until the woman moans anxiously and jumps, standing crouching over the man, with her hands on his chest. Her ass moves in small circles, rubbing her crotch against the tip of the erect member, teasing it for the way in until it finds it.    
  Then she goes down with a loud moan.  
  Once they're done, the woman stands up, still panting, and sets off.    
  “Have a good hunt” the woman wishes him without even turning around while heading into the forest. 



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