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Someone asked how to add images to the posts and then we realized we havn't explianed anywere how to do it. Here is a little tutorial (added to the forum too):

When you create a post and want add a image on it, you have to click the button "Img" placed upper of textarea and paste the image URL between the tags [ img ] [ /img ]

You can find the image URL clicking with the right click on a internet image and choose the copy image url option.

Example [ img ]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cJsgqfA6o_M/VgFiSYxuwYI/AAAAAAAAAXk/SANqhYoZ_vw/s320/not%2Beverything.jpg[ /img ]

If you have any question about how the forum works, let us know and we'll try to explain everything you need.


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