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 Now when you are exploring the world and you are going to influence someone, this part with the balls with the actions, don't just satisfy us. Yes, it have really interesting events and images, in our opinion, but it will probably end up being the grinding boring part of this game. At first we wanted to made this actions not necessary performed just once, for example, some character could need 4 kisses before allow you to move to dirty touch but it doesn't really worked. Now we are thinking on a system where you choose one action or another judging by the facial expression of the character, and if you choose the wrong action many times the character has a cooldown time until you can interact with him her again. This still doesn't quite satisfy us, and because of it we want to ask you:

How you'd like the influence part to be? There is something you have thought while playing that part like hope this was that way or that other way?

...Or you have any other random thought about it? Doesn't really need to be related to it. Good things about brainstormings is that one random thought from someone can be the key for another one to have a good idea?

If you want to participate leave a comment here or in the tavern channel in our discord!




Comment from a previous post about this matter: Alexander Well, there is no need of apologies, guys, it's very important information Thinking of ideas, I'd prefer style being in Candy or Dystopia world when you need to do some tasks/actions before influencing a person or in the process. In Candy, there are many various minor quests, more than in Dystopia and Jane's (my point), and the impossibility of just flirting and having sex makes us to investigate, to discovery and to act in a certain way. It may sounds harsh but you have realized it without any sign of cruelty (even the tiniest one) AND with some rewards like dynamic dialogs and juicy pictures. For example, surprised with choosing variants for Nara and Jin, I tried and tried my best guesses and – wow! I had a picture – or – wow! I learn the person better – or – wow! I got both variants! I’m proud of myself! I’m happy! – after every right guess. From my point, nothing of that should be very changed. You’re afraid of grinding – I believe it can be avoided while your minor tasks are various and unique and dialogs are dynamic and interesting. So, all you need is creativity and time, and patience: making high-quality stuff is always hard but I’d rather wait for exciting and funny challenges instead of rushing you for the stuff I’m scared to imagine. Also I think, with each new world, tasks should become a little harder (because the Goddess doesn’t sleep or something) to motivate players to continue investigations. It’s not the only reason of motivation but it can help. About the Academy events, I support the idea of tastes because I see a similarity with other chapters: to influence people outside the Academy as in Chapter I, and to learn and satisfy students/staff in the Academy as in Chapter II. And logic is quite the same: in other worlds, people have forgotten about sex (not exactly, not all but…), and, in the Academy, they try to get maximum joy. So what’s about changing the interaction interface for the students/staff that will include specific actions? And, about facial expressions, would you add “mood counter” to be completely sure about the mood? Oh! and, also, what do you think of quests where you need irritate someone for a purpose? Or surprise someone with sex by sneaking up behind and start aggressively flirting (or vice versa)? There’s so much possibilities, and I believe you choose the best options! Thanks for reading! Have a nice day too! And one last question: what are your thoughts of fightings? Will they be or not? Because, for example, in potential Wrath World, it would sound nonsense if nobody tried to fight with Elana and the Spirit.


Wow, thanks for the review of our work and the ideas it really helps us to get some perspective about what we are doing and how it's seen outside the development ^^ More or less the academy will have actions with the shape of lessons. Pretty much you'll be choosing what action will be performing a particular group of people and a teacher at particular time, and it will happen even if you are not there to see it but of course you'll be able to check the classrooms any time you want to see what is happening and perhaps even have some interaction with them. About the mood, if we end up doing it, it will not be just that easy like just one face for every mood or point of influence. What the team have talked about is have first different range of people, more expressive, less expressive, happier, angrier, shyier... And for every one of this kind of people have a set of 10 possible expressions that can show at every level (since there are 6 actions 60 different expressions for every kind of people). Expressions we could select for every particular character depending on which fits more with him/her. Also we thought about this to be an skill to learn or to purchase with different possible updates like the first level you purchase you can see the expressions of the character, the second you see what action the character doesn't want for sure, the third 2 actions... and so on. About the different quest is interesting and probably always welcome. We are also preparing a some side quests for the villagers when they are not in the academy and if not in new worlds we can us this ideas there for sure. About fightings, we are thinking about it, but not like in chapter one or two. For sure every new world will have some new different features and conflict will appear for sure but we are also thinking and battles where you act as a commander, knowing the threat... or not... you'd have to settle and dispose your battle resources to face the battle but once started, you'd only be able to watch the outcome. But this is still on the possible concept table. By the way, later when we'll open a discussion post we'll copy this comments there for other people to see it too.


It's very big pleasure to help you! Continuing, I'd like to give more thoughts. In my view, the first thing needed to do is to decide what the after lessons interactions purpose is. For example, in Chapter Two, there is the specific gameplay of the quest with wild people (I'm about unusual fights). These fights are like a reflection of the quest purpose, to influence wild people: on the one hand, there is Elana's wish to bring some sex, on the other, you emphasize the bellicosity of the wild people, i.e. you underline the feature of this particular task. A-a-a-a-and what's the feature/the purpose of the after lessons fun? From my point, keeping the answer in mind, it will be easier to think/imagine/create the proper variant. It's obvious we should keep students and teachers in the right mood to complete the quest against the Goddess so I believe it has to be the purpose. Keeping in the mood is the general thought, and may be divided into specific situations such as discipline violations, local conflicts, satisfactions of needs and so on - such a bunch of situations. Your ideas about proper/not proper actions and skill or progression are really cool but the first one seems kinda minor and the second... Well, I see no strong motivation in just learning more and more tastes. But you mentioned quests with students/staff, so... what's about contentrating on them? If you succeed in a task of a person, get points of his/her respect. If the task was the first from the character, get possibility to chat, to flirt, to touch and so on. Proper/not proper actions will influence on the quantity of points, according to your idea. Also, with the next level of relations, you get another bunch of reactions: for example, if Elana interacted with me, I would feel bad speech cheerful on the first level of relations and boring on the second. Or, I would deny bad touches on the first level but would accept on the second. And the bunch can change again on the third level, on the fourth and so on. But there can be another kind of changes. Let's suppose, making love is a proper action for me on the fifth level. It's logical that sex stays proper for sixth, seventh, eighth... But, hey, what's about trying new poses or styles? Maybe, I would be okay with BDSM after eighth level (both dirty touch and sex), who knows!? And don't forget about possibility of some new quests in the process of leveling up! Some students may mock me about loving BDSM, so, maybe, it's time to punish them (he-he-he)? Concluding, I believe the bubble of chatting may be used to check the people's quests, or the new one can be created. Anyway, the complexibility of this concept's realization must be enormous. But, well, it's brainstorming, isn't it? Have a happy day!


Great ideas again! Thanks! Right now we have division very clear with the characters in a world not complete and the characters once the world it is completed, in our plans it is like a transformation to another type but with all you mention it could be interesting at least think about it and and see if the ball actions can be extended somehow after a world it is completed. About the purpose of the after lessons events, the quick answer is that they will be the substitute of the night events, in the previous versions. A filler for something that otherwise would be too empty but our real intention is to give more life to the whole world. The game will have 3 big blocks, one exploration, which will carry the story and the main development exploring and completing the worlds, two, management with the academy which will give purpose and mechanics to thrive,and three, the after lessons which will compact and join the other two (simplifying a lot because there will be probably more stuff). Our idea with the after lessons events is to give life to the world and increase the inmersion ,show that the characters are doing their own stuff, to and providing side quests and little sense of reality. For example including reactions to what is happening in the game, as simple sentences like "Oh, I've heard you have discovered a new word where the people it's like if they were burning. Do you know how to interact with them? Have you tried to throw a bucket of water to them?" or with quests triggered and related to the development of the story. Add easter eggs and stuff like this... Quite simple but maybe not that simple for a 3 members team :P But we like a lot your ideas of discipline violations, local conflict... and we'll try to add it to the equation. And about the developing of the characters, what you said would be the perfect scenario, but I'm afraid that having already about forty characters and up to more than one hundred on the way it makes it impossible for the workpower we have. But this ideas are still perfect for a brainstorming since it will still help us with the development of characters here and there. Thanks and have a nice day!