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 New version! Candy world added! A little different than dystopia, but probably not as much as the other ones to come. Now that another world has been added and there is the chance to have enough teachers and students to fill the academy, we'll focus on that part. Next week, we'll also start some brainstorming for the exploring part of the game.

Just one last little note. We are always trying to release our versions as if we were releasing a new episode of a show, because we think is more enjoyable for those like you who play through the development, still, we tend to forget this ourselves, please, keep in mind that it is not always easy or possible to release this versions as a linear story or with a big chunk of playable content. Anyway, that’s not the case in this release!:P

Hope you'll enjoy it!


· Base U. I. and menus. Button added to open it at the bottom left of the screen. The menu has the Options, save, journal and exit buttons operative and with some hotkeys assigned to it.
· Added Journal (Quest log), which already works for Jane's world, dystopia, and candy world.
· Added hotkeys
    - I: inventory (not implemented)
    - L: Journal.
   - M: Map (not implemented
   - “ESC”: Options
   - Q: Exit to main menu
   - There is one for the save but right now it just refreshes the browser so we'll tell you in future versions ^^u
   - Added the input of space key to skip the scenes, just as if you were clicking your mouse.     - Added the input of the key numbers 1,2,3,4 to chose an answer from the different options when there is an event with multiple answers.
·Added animation and sound effects in actions menu.
· Added mini-game at the end of dystopia and the ending scene.
· Added Candy world fully completed except for the final mini-game and ending scene. Right now, the world is accessible once you’ve finished Jane’s world, in the same way as you cross to dystopia, there is a green arrow at the Pride area of the main world, where Trell, Deepthroat, and Wannabequin can be found.
· Added 14 new characters for the candy world.
· Added some sound effects (you'll see a lot of characters repeating the same “hi!” but right now it's just a test).
· Fixed a lot of small and big bugs like the main character walking away through the sky in some areas, quests triggers, typos and codes.

Content summary:

Images: About 60 (with events, backgrounds and characters and not counting the images for the mini-game and “cum versions” of images)
Animations: 2
Events: 70-90 New events (20.000 words).

Debug code: Press the letter "D" to open the input box, type  "kg1ststep" and press "ENTER" to skip the point where the academy is created. After it you just have to talk with Jane and go to see the first lessons in the classrooms to open the dystopia and candy world (arrows to go there are in the wrath area and in the pride area).
· .zip Windows 64 bits : Link
·  zip Windows 32 bits: Link
· Browser: Link
· Android: Link 



Andrea Puglisi

Sorry, I'm having some issues: I have done everything in the Distopia world, Tina said she wants to be a teacher at the academy, but then nothing happens and I don't know what to do


Hi! I'm afraid that part it's not done yet (we are working on the academy right now). But if you haven't done the Candy world yet, you'll find an arrow to go there in the pride area (in the first world where there is a statue of Jane's head).

Andrew S Barnes

Has anyone else had issues with using the red bottle next to kenth? i click it and a dialogue box pops up but then nothing, i have to exit game every time.